Are you feeling 

blocked and burnt out?

Like you're constantly running on a hamster wheel with no end in sight? 

(And even during brief respites, does life still feel unfulfilling, as if something crucial is missing?)

Let's reclaim your shine!

Burnout and life misalignment can severely impact your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

When you're overwhelmed, it's challenging to see a way forward. Yet, these negative experiences can be powerful wake-up calls, gateways to a new life that feels rewarding, fulfilling, and energising.

My Burnout Journey Led To My Mission

After navigating my own burnout-to-recovery journey, I have become deeply passionate about helping others prevent burnout or recover swiftly through sacred self care and alignment with their purpose by seamlessly blending spirituality with practical earthly living.

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, finding a moment to pause, reflect, and truly connect with ourselves can seem like a distant dream.

Amidst constant demands and distractions, having a safe and sacred space to explore your life might feel like an indulgence. However, it is one of the most profound gifts you can give yourself.

If you find yourself overwhelmed, running on the hamster wheel of life, this focused time can become the most valuable part of your week. It’s a chance to step back, breathe, and gain clarity on your path forward.

If you want to reclaim your light and grow your true potential then I have soul-tions to help you...To Blossom and Shine.

Life & Well-being Soul-tions

Solutions to help you blossom and shine in your life

Reclaim Your Energy

S.A.C.R.E.D. Re-Energise is an 8 week structured caoching and healing programme to help you recover from burnout through sacred self care. 

Intuitive Coaching

Live Your Purpose

My approach blends spiritual practices with practical strategies, ensuring a comprehensive method to tackle burnout and misalignment. This dual focus helps you to ground your spiritual insights into actionable steps in your everyday life.

Life Purpose Guidance

Soul Plan Reading is an ancient system of life purpose guidance from your soul's perspective not only identifying soul level goals but soul level challenges and gifts.

Soul Plan Reading for Relationships

Unblock Your Life

Soul Transformation Therapy helps identify the energies and mindset that  is blocking you from shining and growing into your potential in your life.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

Coaching Creates Your Sanctuary

As a coach and healer, my mission is to hold this space for you. Imagine a place where you are not just heard but deeply seen and understood—a sanctuary where your thoughts and emotions are welcomed without judgment. This space allows you to explore the depths of your being, uncovering insights and solutions that may have been hidden in the chaos.

During our dedicated time together, I act as your sounding board and confidant. Here, you can articulate your dreams, fears, and aspirations, knowing that your words are met with empathy and support. Often, simply expressing what’s on your mind can illuminate the path forward, revealing solutions that might have seeme

Your Time Your Space to Receive

Despite our best intentions, without scheduled time for this kind of reflection, we often end up scattered—our thoughts bouncing from one thing to another, making it difficult to see where we've been or where we're going. Accountability and a set slot in your week provide the structure needed to focus and make meaningful progress.

What Others Say


Today she was able to do for me in 75 minutes (maybe less) what other healers, therapists, friends, family, doctors, etc. haven’t come close to doing in years. She is so sweet, kind and patient –which put me quickly at ease.

Beth Bunchman

 /Holistic Health Coach a& Energy Healer 


Anita helped me to understand two difficult and often upsetting relationships I have in my life, to see where my energies might be conflicting with the energies of these 2 people and how to move towards greater harmony.

Claire Ballantyne

/ Healer, Writer, Teacher


Oh my! What didn’t I love? I loved everything about this program. I loved that there was both a learning portion and a healing portion during each session. In this way, my mind, body and soul were nourished every week.

Sarah Marcotte

/ Holistic Psychotherapist

Group & 1-to-1 Programs

These are my group and 1-to-1 Structure programs to help you to reclaim your energy and to discover your life purpose.

MY NAME IS...Anita 

Why Choose Me as Your Coach?

  • Experience: I have walked the path from overwhelm and burnout to recovery, which enables me to understand and empathise with your struggles deeply. My firsthand experience equips me with the insights to guide you effectively as well as my training.
  • Holistic Approach: My approach blends soul based and energeitc practices with practical strategies, ensuring a comprehensive method to tackle burnout and misalignment. This dual focus helps you to ground your  insights into actionable steps in your everyday life.
  • Customised Support: You are on a unique journey is unique. I tailor my coaching to meet your specific needs and aspirations, providing you with personalised tools and strategies to align with your true self.
  • Sacred Space: I create a nurturing and non-judgmental environment where you can explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. This sacred space is crucial for deep personal growth and transformation.

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