January is the month of the Full Wolf Moon. In the Northern Hemisphere it is a lean and difficult month yet wolves often thrive. If life has been difficult last year then this month you can use the resourcefulness of the Wolf to reconsider your options in life – those challenges can be an invitation for opportunity and for change.
Native American tribes used moon phases and cycles to keep track of the seasons by giving a distinctive name to each recurring full moon. January full moon appeared in the skies when the wolves howled outside the villages during these lean months.
Wolf Full Moon is about resourcefulness and finding your path and support to thrive
The wolf is a extremely resourceful creature, bringing forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections and with amazing communication abilities. The Wolf is a great mentor for this full Moon.
The strong instincts of the wolf are a guiding force in their success so Wolf Moon is an ideal time to connect with your wisdom and intuition and be guided by instinct to what you really and truly need to create in your life right now.
Wolves are extremely sociable animals, so look to community for creative solutions during this time, communicate with those in your pack if you are experiencing difficult times or challenges, the knowledge of the elders may be beneficial and the support of your pack may be key to your success.
Additionally wolves are vastly expressive far beyond the legendary howls they have complex body language. Use this full moon to get in touch with your own modes of expression whether as the lone wolf for personal exploration and creative communication with yourself or become aware of your how you communicate with others – are you their changes you need to improve things in your interactions to improve relationships.
Action Question for Full Wolf Moon
The Yang energies of the full moon are about taking action so during the full moon ask yourself
“How do I plan to thrive this month?”
“In the challenges I am facing, how am I being asked to step up?”
"Where can I seek support from in my social circle?"
"How can I support my social circle/community?"
Don’t allow this to remain just a thought process though, create an action plan for achieving it.
And don’t forget to ask the strong manifesting/creative energies of the full moon to help had extra power to the actions and bring them into reality
Rituals for Full Wolf Moon
Put an image of a wolf, preferable an image with a pair or pack of wolves on your altar.
Take pen to paper and journal all the that you need to really flourish and thrive (not just survive) and then write down a list of all the resources you have to support you both your internal and external and what do you need to change.
Gather with family and friends - nurture the bonds with fun activities that bring you closer and working together. it can be especially nice to group together around a hearth fire and share stories.
This is the first full moon of the year, a time of new beginnings. The still dark and colder times can make it a good time to work on projects and new ventures that require some study time.
Take part in a community project to help those in need.
Don't forget to howl at this moon in particular!
Full Wolf Moon Blessings