As we welcome the airy Uranus/Saturn ruled New Moon in Aquarius we connect with how we want to connect with others outside of your family circle. Those connections that we choose and that have an influence on who we are; friendships, groups and society - our tribe. But we also future vision by finding a group of people that aligns with our bigger vision/humanitarian call. 

This moon cycle we are encouraged to look how those connections that support and bring change in you and how you show up for others. Envision a better future.

The energy at the time of the new (or dark moon as it is a time without moon light) moon is a prompt to go inside to reflect on how relate to others, who you choose to spend your time with but also connecting with those who share your vision and ideals too.

The Key Energies with the New Moon in Aquarius

With the New Moon in Aquarius, we are being guided by the Water Bearer, symbolically giving life and spiritual food to the world through knowledge, vision and forward thinking - the waters of wisdom wash away the past and create a fresh starts. Aquarius provides strong energies for communities and cultivating friendships which extends beyond the personal into bigger wider aspect.

Air influence

With Aquarius we are in the air element not the water. The Air element brings an expansive independent spirit, a desire to be free to explore but also the air rules the heart chakra so we are drawn to connect with others. The air element supports making wider connections that help with a wider vision for yourself and the world at large. To reach out between spaces in between.

Saturn/Uranus influence

Aquarius used to be ruled by Saturn but in modern types this has changed to Uranus. The ruling planet of Saturn, symbolises boundaries and limitations, the Lord of Time and legacy whilst Uranus is New World, future thinking and technology. And we are seeing this planetary influence in the way we now relate in our friendship, technology and social networking has changed our friendship connections and how we relate. No judgement but a century ago it was very different, smaller more intimate networks of friends than we see today. We are changing the world is changing - this is after all called the Aquarian Age!.

Astrological House influence

With this moon we are in the life area of the 11th house, this is the house of Friends but also hopes and wishes (the future). This house is the key to how we integrate with society, how our friendships revolutionise ourselves and others just by their existence. In Nicholas Christakis Ted Talk were see our our social networks of friends, family, co-workers and more influences a wide variety of traits, from happiness to obesity, and how it can spread from person to person, showing how your location in the network might impact your life in ways you don't even know! But also so how you impact others in ways beyond how may realise. 

This moon cycle is asking you to explore the connections you choose and how you can become a revolutionary force in the world to create to change.

“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.

Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”  


Chakra Energies at play with this moon cycle

With the element of the Air we are in the realm of the 4th Chakra (Heart/Anahata Chakra) as we relate and make connections we first need to be willing to open our heart to another to bring them into our circle, our tribe and network

Also we are in the 6rd Chakra (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra) as we vision a future and a bigger picture.

Connecting with the Soul Plan Energies of the New Moon in Aquarius

From a Soul Plan Perspective this moon cycle is very connected to the energies of the Soul Plan 18(-9)  from the Aquarius energies, 20(-2) for the Saturn, 21(-1) for the Uranus, 1-1 the Air Aspect aspect. Such a potent powerful combination

The 18-9 energy is known for future visioning going forward to solutions - the aspirations for ourselves, the world and how we connect with a tribe that support that. The 20-2 energy gives inquisitive and movement  to seek out and explore those connection, the 21-(3) the energies to sustain the connections through time and distance and finally the 1-1 brings the call to bring healing and to help the world through our connections.

Those with these soul plan energies in the chart then you will find that this moon cycle helps you get clearer on what you want and your life direction and you started to move towards it but to be you can find out for sure by Checking out my soul plan reading options if you want to know your own energies).

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”

~Amy Poehler

Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Aquarius

This new moon explore the connections you are choosing in your life and how you bring change?

It is time to ask those hard questions and face them head on and really connect with how they make you feel?:

  • Who are my friends and how do they make me feel?
  • How do I show up for my friends/connections?
  • How do I fill the spaces in between my friend connection with time to connect with myself as an individual?
  • What patterns of behaviours need to change for connections to bring the best possibilities in my life?
  • How can I create a tribe to collaborate to bring a bigger higher vision into the world?

This moon cycle is about focusing really examine what you hold and beliefs and thoughts and checking in if they still hold true.

Rituals for the New Moon in Aquarius

  • Get social - spend quality time with friends
  • Join a new group that shares the same visions/values as you
  • Get my Aquarius New Moon Mandala (50% donated to TreeSisters to help reforest the tropics...perfect for this moon of transformation and reborn) 
  • Support an humanitarian project or visionary project that helps society
  • Learn something new
  • Do a Breath/Heart Centred Meditation
  • Make friendship bracelets for your friends.
  • Have a Soul Plan Reading to help you see a vision for your future growth and potential.
  • And of course there is always attending my Moon Meditation Circle either as a Live Online Circle or in Leighton Buzzard, UK

"Envision Your Life"

Live Visioning Workshops

Vision Board

Light and Aquarius Moon Blessings

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