Please don't explode - Lessons from an egg If You Don’t Want to Explode, Learn from This… The other day, I exploded an egg in the microwave. Literally.The other day, I exploded an egg in the microwave. Yep, you read that right. I
About Me
My Journey into Soul
From Burnout out as an IT Architect in a corporated to soul aligned work as a coach
Hi I am Anita, a Life and Business Coach... After discovering my own life purpose and gifts during soul guided travels and experiences, I now use my training and knowledge to help others to Blossom and Shine in their life, through Sacred Self Care and alignment with Soul Purpose.
This is my story from Burnout to Brilliance

I remember the bench and the little London park. I had escaped the office to catch my breath and give myself some space to fight back the tears that I could feeling welling up inside. The project I was working on was starting to feel crushingly overwhelming and I had just needed to step away from it for a few minutes...just a few minutes...but my mobile started buzzing in my was the Project Manager obviously trying to track me down to deal with the next crisis. I felt obliged to answer...though inside I was screaming ‘Leave me alone’.
The next thing I was aware of was the face of my colleague with a phone in his hand asking for an ambulance. It took me a few moments before I realised that I was laying on the ground - my head filled with cotton wool and words that failed to come out. Several hour later and many tests the doctor gave his diagnosis I probably had a TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack).
The doctor’s advice following his diagnosis was that I need to seriously reduce my stress levels as a TIA meant I was at increased risk of a stroke. Seriously I was 32.
I was burning out; most nights I struggled to sleep because I was so wired and then spent most of the day fighting mind numbing tiredness. I was increasingly short tempered partly because I was feeling unwell all the time due to catching a host of colds and bugs and partly because I just was feeling so unenthusiastic about so many things in my life even the things that I had once loved. All were classic signs of burning out but I was ignoring them.
I had come to hate my work not that I would admit it…it was long hours, stressful but also something in me had changed and designing IT systems was like someone was hitting me with a cold wet slightly aged fish! I had started taking an art diploma in an attempt to find enthusiasm and passion of my younger self which always came in the form of art and creativity. And though it felt good doing art again I was not able to really enjoy it or dedicate the time I wanted and needed to. It became another frustration in my life. Also it was not tackling the root of the problem - my work. On top of this a family bereavement that was bringing up so many feelings. Something had to give…and it was me.
The doctor signed me off work for 8 weeks, which gave the space to I needed to re-evaluate my life. One day I went into a bookstore, and quite literally, a book fell off the shelf . It was about coaching yourself to make essential life changes. I thought of this as a moment of divine guidance, and read the book from cover to cover. Each and every exercise revealed more and more of the desires I had suppressed and the blocks and excuses I had built to following those dreams.
Your Purpose is to Blossom and Shine.
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

The exit Plan
I spent the next week ruminating about all the things I have always wanted to do, such as to go traveling, and started to question how on earth I could leave my well paid corporate job, but then I challenged myself, how could I not!?" After all, my health was on the line and I could no longer continue working like that. Otherwise, I maybe I may be forced to. I was single, no dependents, I had good savings I could reduce my mortgage and my house was very rentable so it was fear that held me back – fear of the unknown yes but fear of the loss of the status. Unraveling the fears took time but the seed for travel was growing bigger and stronger every day.
A voluntary role with orangutans in Borneo that arrived in my inbox made the the desire blossom. I was accepted as a volunteer in 7 months time!.
I formulated a six month exit plan my job. 3 months after returning to work I had that conversation with my boss – I was resigning. They offered a sabbatical but I refused the offer as I didn’t want that cloud linger over me and what was more important I knew I didn’t want to go back. I cried in the meeting – I was not a hard nosed corporate type, I was a sensitive soul that needed heart connection, who needed to help make a difference to other people's life…the tears were relief and release that I no longer had to pretend to be something I was not. I was no longer going to be doing something that was sucking the life out of me. I wanted to LIVE my life, not just exist. Thrive not just survive!.
Just 6 month after being on the ground in that park I handed over my pass and didn’t look back at the place that I had worked at for the last 7 years. 3 weeks later I sat in the airport with my journal, writing the first page of a new chapter in my life, the one where I listened to my inner guidance and followed my dreams. I wasn’t sure then where it would take me but I knew that it was to a place where I would be happier and feel more abundant.

A Journey Into Soul
Those travels became a real journey into reconnecting with who I truly was, what I was capable of but importantly reawakening to my soul and it’s guidance. 6 months of planned travel became 16 months of free flowing travelling; learning and exploring my spiritual essence. I had so many encounters that helped be to grow but also to show me the path I was being called to take….
I didn’t know this at the time but it was all part of my Soul Plan. Within your Soul Plan you can find the reason you have made choices that you have, experienced certain challenges and difficulties but also within it is so much clarity about your unique soul gifts and how you are being called to use them.
My soul was calling me to use my gifts to help others connect with their soul and life purpose. I was to empower them to make the soulful changes to create a happier and more fulfilled life. For some this would be about working to transforming their challenges and connecting with their gifts.
For others this would be about helping them to create a business to share those gifts with the world to align with their soul goals. I use the skills and knowledge I have learnt from my own journey into soul, from my training as a Spiritual Life Coach and as a Soul Plan Teacher in Life Purpose Guidance in the soulful work that I now do. The difference in my life, my wellbeing and my happiness from 2007 when I laid on the ground with a head full of cotton wool and with a sadness in my heart is transformational.
What would you do?

Your Soul has a plan and it means for you to shine!
Are you ready to awaken to your own abundant and fulfilled life and allow it to blossom?
If the answer is YES then let me help you:
Discover what is held in your own Soul Plan.
Support you in aligning with that calling
Help you stay on track
Be there to support you, mentor you
So that you can Awaken and Blossom your Abundant Fulfilled Life and create that Business that you have dreamed about.
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