
Excerpts from my journals; inspired by life & nature.

30th September 2023 - Breath of Light

I have just finished a breathwork exercise in a spiritual development retreat The breath is so powerful for experiencing a transpersonal state of awareness. I feel like I have just travelled thorugh a lifetime of dimensions.

There was a definate message in the beginning to let fo of what is not mine which allowed me to access and connect at different levels of being. There was a lifetime of faces, young to crone, beauty to ugliness (I don't like to use that world but my human self lacks another alternative), human to alien - so many faces, so many lifetimes.

As the breath deepened my state of beingness, light language symbols started to appear in the space around me, I could sense those that were out of position and felt what needed to be adjusted to bring more harmony and balance.

I have heard as whispers on the wind  before a name and it came again today as a name carried on the wind of my breath, Keyannah before I journeyed through the green portal of Mother Earth to the icy Northlands, a time untouched by all the modern trapping and where the connection to the earth and the cycles were all that were needed to survive and thrive. Where the heart beat of the earth was your heartbeat.

So much journeying to be experienced through connecting with the breath. The winds of time and space held within ourselves.

September 30, 2023

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