
Excerpts from my journals; inspired by life & nature.

15th January 2024 - Best of Both Worlds

Having experienced burnout working in corporate I definately don't feel the call to go back to working for someone else again but sometimes working on my own business where there is only me can feel too much the other way. Yes I see clients but that is not the same as having a collegue to natter to over a cuppa. For a while I found it strange that I would miss this as I do have a quieter more introverted nature, I enjoy my alone time but my 7-7 Soul Destiny does desire connection also.

How often are we told you can't have the best of both worlds or your cake and eat it. But really who said that - why waste a perfectly good cake - it would just become mouldy!

Today I got to have the best of both worlds when I attended a coffee morning with other local women in business. This wasn't one of those market yourself events, it was just the chat over the cuppa thing that I had been missing but without the boss telling me to hurry back to my desk. And afterwards when I was talked out, I could honour my energies and go back to my space and do my work on my own. 

How often do we limit ourselves because of the belief you can not have the best of both worlds! 

16th January 2024 - Eolas

I was introduced to the world Eolas an Irish Gaelic word meaning the knowledge of direction and guidance.

I have been watch with my boys Wolfblood on CBBC . In the most recent episode we were watching they were practicing Eolas which was like a supersensing through the natural energies of the earth to an experience an expansive state, seeing beyond self but also expeirencing a sens of super aliveness and connection.

It interested me at 2 levels in Transpersonal Coaching there are various gateways nature being one of them that can allow us to access higher states of being and guidance.

Also I have experienced what I consider ast moment of feeling such aliveness and expansive state when I have been truly present and immersed thorugh my senses in the natural world. I always also receive some amazing guidance from nature which is how these Naturally Aligned Journals have come to be here.

I love the word Eolas - it seems so so beautifully encapsulate both aspects of what I love and have experienced through the natural world.

17th January 2024 - No way through

A walk around the lake today made for a interesting insight. The lake has broken its banks and the path is now submerged making it impassible. A thought quickly arose to how often in life do we follow a path only to find the way blocked, it has lead no where. Some people walked up to the edge and tried to navigate a route through resulting in wet feet. Some turned back and headed back to their cars. Yet if you actually just stood and took in the situation you realised that there was a track through the trees before the path submerged and if you followed it it took you up to a ridge path and over the obstacle.

It has interesting parallels to how we can tackle obstacles in our lives - trying to push through and getting overwhelmed, just give up on the destination or choose to look for a new way that may take a little longer but actually could take us to a higher position that we first envisioned for a goals.

January 19, 2024

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