You will find 20 affirmations for the Root Chakra, aimed at helping to balance the vibrations of your first chakra. Select between 1-3 to use on a daily basis for at least 1 month. 40 days is optimum as it takes this amount of time for a behaviour or mindset change to become natural or a habitual thought. You can also use your affirmations for the root chakra as your computer security password as I talk about in my blog Power up your Affirmation in a single stroke.

The root chakra is the centre of belonging, connection and our physical health - it grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs for self-preservation – ensuring we have enough food, water, money, shelter and safety. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe and you let go of fear - worrying less day today.

This chakra is the centre of our belonging, either to our family group, society or humanity as a whole.

Affirmations for the Root Chakra

  1. I am safe
  2. I have the right to be here
  3. I am connected to and love my body
  4. I nurture my body
  5. I am protected and nurtured
  6. I am grounded and rooted in the Earth
  7. I am vitalized and energised
  8. I make choices that are healthy and good for me
  9. I am financially secure
  10. I am calm, strong and centred
  11. I am enough
  12. I belong to this world
  13. I trust in the goodness of life
  14. I am open to all possibilities
  15. I am supported on my journey through life
  16. I claim the abundance that the universe offers
  17. I stand in my strength and in my truth
  18. I trust myself
  19. I am a divine being in physical form
  20. My needs are always met

I hope you have loved these affirmation suggestions. You can find some of the affirmations incorporated into my simple but powerful meditation,  Chakra Life Flow and will an accompanying e-book giving some more details about the Root Chakra.


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