In here you will find 20 affirmations for the Sacral Chakra, aimed at helping to balance the vibrations of your second chakra. Select between 1-3 to use on a daily basis for at least 1 month. 40 days is optimum as it takes this amount of time for a behaviour or mindset change to become natural or a habitual thought. You can also use your affirmations for the sacral chakra as your computer security password as I talk about in my blog Power up your Affirmation in a single stroke. The sacral chakra is the centre of relationships, sensuality and the experience of pleasure. From this chakra, we receive and giving ourselves freely and become comfortable with intimacy. Here also resides our instinctual level feelings and our emotions which create our feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy in life.

Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra

  1. My emotions are balanced and I allow them to flow
  2. I enjoy a healthy and passionate life
  3. I have joyful relationships
  4. I am in touch with my feelings
  5. I am full of creative potential
  6. I honour the sacred temple that is my physical body with care and attention
  7. I open myself to the infinite sacredness of genuine and loving connections
  8. I am receptive and open to the feelings of pleasure and joy
  9. I deserve to feel pleasure
  10. I release feelings of guilt with ease
  11. I make time to explore and play so that I feel good
  12. I allow myself to take care of my own needs and wants
  13. I embrace spontaneity and flow
  14. I am free from any emotional connection to food,
  15. I release any need to self-medicate with addictive substances or behaviours to numb my feelings
  16. My sexuality is vibrant and it is safe to express it in healthy ways.
  17. I  have the right to receive pleasure and have my needs met.
  18. I am comfortable in my body.
  19. I attract like-minded people who support and love me.
  20. My emotions and feelings are the language of my soul uses to guide me in life
And a final thought:

I am a beautiful, radiant and sacred being, worthy of love and desirable to others

I hope you have loved these affirmation suggestions. Share in the comments your favourite or one you like to use for your sacral chakra. You can find some of the affirmations incorporated into my simple but powerful meditation,  Chakra Life Flow and will an accompanying e-book giving some more details about the Sacral Chakra. PS I donate 20% of the sales of this meditation to the World Land Trust Organisation, which protect the forests of Mother Earth.


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