Anxiety can arise from many causes and there are some soul plan energy types are more likely to experience anxiety than others but ultimately you need a simple technique for calming anxiety quickly.
From a spiritual perspective, anxiety can arise through oversensitivity to their physical or energetic environment, through emotional oversensitivity or through chakra energies becoming scattered and unbalanced leading the energies away from the lower chakras.
Whatever the reason you need to find a way to calm yourself enough that you can regain a state of relative calmness and to give yourself the space to apply emotional wisdom. It needs to be quick, it needs to be available all the time and it needs to be super simple and this is where the 'Square Breath Meditation' comes in.
Calming anxiety with the breath
When you are anxious your breathing patterns become regular and in a biofeedback mechanism the brain reacts to breathing patterns by increasing its alert stations status (even though it may have been your thought patterns that created the anxious state in the first place!). You are caught in a catch-22 loop of brain reacting to breathing patterns, body reacting to brain patterns! So if you can break the loop by changing the breathing patterns, a calmer state returns.
The 'Square Breath Meditation' is deeply relaxing breath practice and so it is great to calm you when you are in an anxious or agitated hence it is also known as the 'Anxiety Calmer Meditation'.
When you focus attention on your breath, the brain wave patterns enter the “alpha” state of consciousness, also known as the learning state.
The Square Breath Meditation Technique
The aim is to steady the length of the breath and natural pauses in the breath and make them roughly even in length.
• As you breath in imagine the breath is drawing a line up your body from the right hip to the right shoulder
• When your breath is full there is a natural pause, draw a line from the right shoulder to the left shoulder at the same pace as the previous line
• As you breathe out, imagine the breath drawing a line from the left shoulder to the left hip again at the same pace as the previous line
• When your breath is empty there is another natural pause, draw a line from your left hip to right hip to complete the square maintaining the same pace.
Try to make each side of the square an even length but do not force the breath. For the pauses, you may find that you find it easier when the breath is full or easier when the breath is empty, either is ok just simply note where your preferred pause is but do not force or judge it. I personally find the pause easier with my out-breath but when I have taught this technique to during my soul plan ready sessions my clients have advised the prefer the full breath pause. All is fine and all is ok.
Continue to repeat this breathing square for the length of your meditation, slowly trying to lengthen the time it takes to draw each side of the square but not pushing it or forcing it. After a time the breath will naturally lengthen.
Keep going...Calming Anxiety Long Term
As the square evens out you will find a state of calm starting to return, try to continue at least for a little time beyond this point for your mind and body to naturally align with the longer, steadier breathing pattern without your conscious focus.
Obviously, it can be helpful next to tackle the underlying cause of your anxiety. It may have arisen from a short-term situation or it can be more of a core issue originating from something your soul has chosen to experience and work through as part of your soul plan and soul growth for this life time. If anxiety is part of underlying soul plan blueprint then calming anxiety through meditation techniques like this one will need to become a regular practice. The tidal wave may be over but build breathe awareness into your daily routine - make calming anxiety a long-term goal.
If anxiety is originating from your soul plan then having the awareness and information on how to overcome that soul plan energy's challenges will give a long term benefit.
Calming anxiety is mind, body and soul work!
Breathe lovely soul and don't allow the anxiety be the block you from shining in your full light and potential.