Celebrating the Energies of Imbolc

Imbolc is the festival of the earth awakening,  the celebration of Life Force returning to the outer world. It is also known as Candlemas, New Moon Festival, and Brigids Day,

Imbolc is one of the four cross-quarters festivals (also known as the Fire Festivals) on the Earth Cycle and an energy change that we can feel and see, as we start to see the manifesting of the release of winter and the first signs of spring such as snowdrops here in my UK home.

With Imbolc we take what was within and bring it out into action and move forward.

In Celtic Traditions the goddess Persephone returns from the underworld (Inner world) as her virgin self, the maiden, brigid. With her return she brings inspirations, healing, intuition. Keeper of the sacred fire - the spark of life with her life giving waters the sacred springs and holy wells of our land - she is both ancestral memory and vision or future divination.

This is a time of awakenings and beginnings, we use the inner wisdom gains during the winter months and bring it into the active growing phase - intuition and thought (divine spark) merge together to create fertility and growth. This is about emerging our life in the world around us.

Call on Brigid for inspiration and let her fire fuel your creativity. Light candles to welcome her warmth as the days start to lengthen.

Close to Valentines day is is a time of love especially for women - the re-emergence of the Kundalini Serpent (life force links it with inner wisdom, healing and the power of sexuality.

Ways you can celebrate Imbolc

  • Gather with the New Moon to share visions, dreams, poems and songs - this falls in Aquarius season which is a time of future visions
  • Place snowdrops on your altar space. (images of if you are not able to gather snowdrops in a way the does not cause damage) and other winter flowering plants.
  • This is a fire festival so light a fire or candles. Ask the fire to transform what you is not longer serving you and create the space for new growth. Make it a family, friends event as the Aquarius energies is linked with the 11th house of friends.
  • Dance, move in an expansive  way, moving from close to earth and rising upwards to to light the fires within you and activate your life force.
  • Plant seeds representing what you want to grow.
  • Start Spring Cleaning - creating space for new growth
  • Visit holy water; a spring or a well, to both purify us and bring fertility to our dreams. 

Imbolc Blessings



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