Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice, marks the time of the longest day and shortest night here in the Northern Hemisphere. and  the half-way mark of the solar year. The sun reaches the height of it's power but equally it is the turning point in the Earth Cycle. A time for celebration of the sun and the gifts it brings to us. Midsummer sees an energetic climax and everywhere there is a sense of abundance and fresh growth.

The solstices have been honoured for millennia, which is why so many ancient megalithic sites are aligned based on the sun's position on this day.

The Energies of the Summer Solstice

Sun reaches the powerful peak and we are bathed in light and we may feel the most energised and motivated, the sun provides energies to our own inner fire. The fire in our belly, the 3rd Chakra -  Manipura Chakra , drives us to shine our own light in the world. You can ask how you have been shining in the world - this is a time to celebrate all your achievements and all that you are.

And if you are struggling to connect with our own sense of light and abundance then look outwards to nature - the flowers are in full bloom, trees have a vibrant green canopy and feel the sun on your skin to connect with the natural abundance on offer.

Outward to Inward Expression

There is a duality in the moment we celebrate the outward active expression of ourselves but this also marks the time when we turn back to a more inward expression of ourselves, our inner world. And here lies the full circle that natural cycles teach longer celebrating moving from A to B in a straight line but a gentle returning home to ourselves as we experience expansion and contraction, a time to move and a time to rest.

Ways you can celebrate Summer Solstice

  • Light a candle or fire  - honour the peak of the fire energies 
  • Watch the sunrise - stay up all night on Solstice Eve and watch the sunrise
  • ​Spend time in nature - enjoy being outside with nature with the abundance of time to do it. You could even make it a circular walk to honour the wheel of year turning.
  • Gather flowers and leaves and make a nature mandala - intuitively place the flowers, crystal and other objects that feel aligned. If you can do this outdoors so it can be infused with sun's energies
  • Create a flower headdress - make a garland and adorn yourself.
  • Gratitude Journal - write all that you have to be grateful, all that is abundant in our life
    Express your gratitude for all of the abundance around you, and all that you have achieve and manifested so far this year.
  • Add sun symbols and fire energy colour to your Altar space - yellows, oranges, fiery reds and golds as cloths or candles. Sun signs (circles or reflective discs) , citrine crystals and don't forget some fresh flowers.
  • Gift potted herbs to friends - this is an old tradition and symbolising sharing abundance.

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