I originally shared the insights for 'Finding the blessings in the rain' in one of my newsletters. As I wrote it a thunderstorm raged and torrential rain fell outside. I sat inside hoping my newly planted salad seeds had life rafts to survive the flood waters!

Dream the dream...

Rain seems to have been my story for the last few days. We have just returned from an impromptu family camping trip in our beloved VW Campervan, Betsie. It is hard to believe that it is 4 years since Betsie came into our lives - how time moves quickly.

In May 2014 just before her arrival I wrote  in my journal about whether we should go for it and live the dream of owning a VW. The very next day a blog post popped up with a picture of a camper…. I was sure the universe was sending a message to go for the dream. 

Our searches brought our beloved Betsie into lives. She is slightly old, not without her quirks but full of character.

For over a year she had had an extended rest due to pregnancy and a very young baby. But the start of this week the delight and the dream was resurrected in our first camping expedition as a now larger family.

On the first night, we got to sit by the fire pit toasting marshmallows as the nearly full moon rose over the hills. I counted my blessings for this joyful moment.

The blessings in the rain

We woke the next morning to sound of rain on her tin roof. Opening the curtains we found the mists had descended and there was a constant stream of rain and thunderstorms.  All four of us huddled in our 4m by 2m camper from dawn till dusk. Betsie is an old girl with none of the mod cons of the new campers. The mother’s and father’s amongst you may be screaming at the thought of 11 plus hours with a 5 year old and nearly 2 year old in such a small space! But we came out smiling!

I felt blessed by the rain because I had a rare opportunity to give my boys my undivided attention. At home, I would have pottered off to do some house chores or deal with some business stuff but none of those usual distractions were there in that rainy.

Full Moon Gratitude

Counting Blessings and finding gratitude for even the small things even when things are not going as expected was the theme I shared in my blog post about the Flower Full Moon on the 29th May. I talk about the powerful life improvement and health benefits of having a gratitude practice (as well as creating a gratitude jar).

Finding things to be grateful for, even when things are not as planned or difficult, can really make a difference to your well being.

I admit that I may get a little soul plan help with this by having the soul plan 4-4 energies; this energy is very aligned with positivity and abundance but also it is associated with the Sun - which there was definitely a lack of! But you can carry the sunshine in you when there is none to be had outside and practising gratitude is a great way to bring this in.

So I thank the universe for the rain and the time it gave us to enjoy each other and our lovely little camper.

Your Take Away Insights 

  • In everything that happens finding things to be grateful for, even when things are not as planned or difficult. This approach can really make a difference to your well being.
  • Dream your dreams. Writing them down gives the universe a clear message you want to manifest them in your life. Then look out for signs that universe is sending you a message that it is ready for you to go for them.

Always look for the Blessings and Signs

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