Within the Native American traditions, the full moon of May is called Flower Moon. In the Northern Hemisphere May is typically the month for a bloom of flowers to appear hence the name.
If you are in the northern hemisphere then everywhere you look at the moment, flowers are in full bloom or new flowers wait to burst open any moment, trees are covered in lush foliage.
As I write this and look into my garden the tree that only last month was just branches with a few sticky buds, is now crowned with a big canopy of leaves.
This full moon offers an invitation to connect with gratitude for all the abundance that you have in your life beyond what your bank account says.
Flower Full Moon is about gratitude and abundance
Abundance is all around us so this is a great month to spend a bit of time in gratitude. Abundance is not just about finances. Abundance is every part of our lives - families, friends, health and things that make us comfortable. People tend to take for granted the good that is already present in their lives.
If you are able to go to a tap and water comes out then you are better off that 844 million of the world population - this can be a great reality check if you every feel in a space of lack!
Practicing Gratitude for life improvements

Gratitude means being aware, thankful and finding joy for all the small and not just holding out for the big things. Counting your blessings even for the simple things and pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive.
For example, thank the universe when you find a penny on the floor (not wishing it was a £10 note!). You can be thankful of the beautiful sunset at the end of the day because not only is it a beautiful miracle of nature it means you are blessed because you have your sight to be able to see it!
Counting your blessings shifts your focus from what you may be lacking in your life to the abundance that is already present.
Research has shown the amazing life improvements that can stem from having a gratitude practice. It was found to make people happier and more resilient, strengthens their relationships, improve health, and also reduce stress.
Being grateful means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much you’ve been given.
Action Question for Full Flower Moon
The Yang energies of the full moon are about taking action so during the full moon ask yourself
“What can I do to be more grateful for what I have in my life"
"How can I better use the resources that I already have"
"How can I share my abundance in the world...your time to charity or to a person in need or simply smiling more (smiles are contagious, you know?!)
Don’t allow this to remain just a thought process though, create an action plan for achieving it.
And don’t forget to ask the strong manifesting/creative energies of the full moon to help had extra power to the actions and bring them into reality
Rituals for Full Flower Moon
Start a Gratitude Journal or Jar (see below)
Donate to charity and good causes (doesn't have to be money or items, can be your time)
Plant seeds and watch them grow. Seeds can really capture abundance - from some plants/flowers you can hundreds of seeds, tell me a bank that can give you that kind of investment odds - natural abundance. Fruit and vegetable seeds really are brilliant investment but flowers benefit the bee/insect population which are need to maintain our food supply chain even if you don't have a vegetable garden)
Place Citrine crystals or green jade around your home or on your altar space (or wear it)
Do some financial planning.
Empty your purse of receipts so you are not energetically carry debt around with you and a keep "never empty coin". (This come from my Tuning into Prosperity Blog)
Gratitude Journal or A Gratitude Jar
One simple way of working and enhancing gratitude is in the form of a journal/diary. Simply writing down every day a list of three to ten things for which you are grateful for. This can become part of your end of day routine or practice. Or you could have a jar in which you write on pieces of paper/card the things you are grateful for each day...
I personally love the gratitude jar because I love seeing the jar filling up as a visual reminder of all the abundant in my life.
So with the May Flower Moon look to start or enhance your gratitude practices.
Light and Flower moon blessings., lovely souls.