As we welcome the wisdom from the fiery Mars ruled New Moon in Aries we connect with the strong, dynamic, self-empowered and instinctual self. The wisdom of that comes from the raw, authentic self that has not been tamed into conforming and makes you question the value of yourself.
This moon cycle we are encouraged reconnect with the part that easily trusts the gut instinct, the intuition and the part that dares to take action in alignment from the guidance of your soul.
The energy at the time of the new (or dark moon as it is a time without moonlight) moon is a prompt to go inside to reflect on reclaiming the power of yourself in your life.
The Key Energies with the New Moon in Aries
With the New Moon in Aries, we are being guided by the Ram. The ram proudly and confidently stands on rocky ridges, some what hidden but in plain view, leaping and bounding effortlessly through the wild terrain, going boldly where others fear to tread, trusting in his instinct/intuition to guide him. He creates his own path in the world. He calls out strongly proclaiming his confidence and power over this domain, his horns like a crown.
The ram inspires us to step outside our comfort zone and grab life by the horns without fearing failure.
“Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear; and then act upon what you know to be true. These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth.”
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Fire influence
With Aries we are in the fire element,. Fire is the first element that can raise away from the Earth gravitational force, free and expansive - ready to leap for the skies - self reliant and independent. Fire has the power to transform and clear the way for new beginnings - being the start of the astrological cycle the fire initiates the beginning of ourselves in the world and in the cycle of our lives.
Mars influence
Aries is ruled by Mars, God of War. Mars is all about energy, passion and self-starting, leaving Aries with an inherent, undeniable confidence and strong sense of self.
Astrological House influence
With this moon we are in the life area of the 1st house, this is the house of Self. It connects us with first impressions, the self and appearance, leadership, new initiatives, fresh starts and beginnings.
This moon cycle is asking you to explore the what who we are at the beginning before all the influences from the outside world made use conform to society. It is our raw, authentic self.
Chakra Energies at play with this moon cycle
With the element of the Fire, we are in the realm of the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus/Manipurna Chakra). Manipurna means 'lustrous gem and linked with the fire element which I have already mentioned is the first element that escapes the confines of the Earth to rise free and independently. It is the source of our own power and will, the place which drives us forward in our lives from a place of passion and purpose.
Also we are in the instinctual 1st Chakra (Root/Muladhara Chakra) and 2nd Chakra (Sacral/Svadhisthana Chakra) as we gain a strong sense of our own physical presence in world and sense with pure feelings (instinct without the brain intervening with judgement) how we move in our lives.
Connecting with the Soul Plan Energies of the New Moon in Aries
From a Soul Plan Perspective this moon cycle is very connected to the energies of the Soul Plan 5-(5) for the Aries sign, the 3(-3) for the Mars aspect and 21-(3) from the Fire
The 5-(5) energy encourages you to connect with bold, pioneering self to trust your instinct/intuition to guide you in the world, to venture outside of your comfort zone and assert yourself. Whilst the 3-(3) encourages to connect the value of yourself and express yourself in the world (just like the Ram announcing his presence with his bellowing calls) this energy asks you to proclaim yourself in the world but also to dive deep into the inner labyrinth of intuition and express it outwards. And finally the lovely 21-(3) provides the fire of determination to endure and push forward, to claim our inner strength, access your power and expression it in the world. This is a moon cycle for expression from the soul plan perspective.
Those with these soul plan energies in the chart then this moon cycle will resonate even stronger with you. You can find if you have these energies by Checking out my soul plan reading options.
“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”
~Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Aries
This new moon explore the spiritual and divine in your life.
It is time to ask those hard questions and face them head on and really connect with how they make you feel?:
- How can I reconnect and remember the true authentic me?
- In what area of my life am I holding back and not being bold?
- In what areas of my life or to whom do I give my power away and diminish my own self worth?
- In part of my life do I want to re-invent myself and how am I going to do it?
- Where do I feel most empowered in my life?
- How can I strengthen my belief in myself?
This moon cycle is to find your connection with universal compassion and remember the sacred in our lives.
Rituals for the New Moon in Aries
- Add yellow/red and orange candles and ram horns to your altar space
- Try the Pranyama practice of Kapalbhati - Fire Breath.
- Move, dance, wildly, freely and release the need to be like anyone else
- Spend time staring into a fire and see what insights come up for you?
- Do a firewalk - gulp that will push your comfort zone and really involving stepping into the life and the fire
- Take bold inspired action in one area of your life...do it today!
- Take a media break - the media is constantly telling us how or what we should be, think or do. Take a break and empower yourself to my connecting with what is the core of you.
- Get my Aries New Moon Mandala (50% donated to TreeSisters to help reforest the tropics...)
- Sort your wardrobe and update it with something that is truly reflect who you are
- And of course there is always attending my Moon Meditation Circle - this moon energy really supports mediation and inner reflection
New Moon in Aries Mandala
Every month I created a channelled mandala embody the essence of the New Moon as a gift for the moon sisters in my Live Online and Leighton Buzzard moon circles to help them to hold their the beautiful moon guided intentions.
If you are not able to attend a live circle then you can still this month's New Moon in Aries Mandala and support tropical reforestation at the same time. 50% from every Mandala sale fundraises for TreeSisters
Light and Aries Moon Blessings