As we welcome the watery emotional energies of the Moon ruled New Moon in Cancer we connect with the sensitive, natural nurturer energies. A time to nurture home and family and to create a safe space to home our ebbing and flowing emotions.
This moon cycle we are encouraged to create a comforting space for us to grow and thrive in, not just our own personal physical home but our shared bigger home of Mother Earth.
The energy at the time of the new (or dark moon as it is a time without moonlight) moon is a prompt to go inside to reflect on how we want to feel in our homes and with our family.
The Key Energies with the New Moon in Cancer
With the New Moon in Cancer, we are being guided by the Crab. Crabs carry their home on their back, providing a safe place to house the softness of themselves that resides below the surface. Hidden beneath that shell there is a vulnerability which has to be exposed on a cyclic basis in order to grow.
“Every time I slip into the ocean, it's like going home."
~Sylvia Earle
Water influence
With Cancer we are in the Water element which is the realm of our emotions. The ever changing nature of water from calm to turbulance, through ebb and flow of the tides reflects the movement of our own emotions. Suppress the moving nature of water causes it to stagnate and the same with suppressed emotions. The wisdom form the water is feel the flow of our emotions but also have strong banks (from a balanced 1st Chakra) to be able to hold them so that they don't flood out and drowned all in the vicinity.
Moon influence
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. With it we ride an ebb and flow of feelings and emotions and during this moon cycle you may be more aware of your feels and emotions, you may feel more sensitive and it you track that alongside the moon's phase you may be aware of the moons influence - from quieter more reflective during the moon, to more active, energised and emotional during the full.
Astrological House influence
With this moon we are in the life area of the 4th house, this is the house of Home and family., it rules everything to do with your foundations. from home, family, your roots and ancestors.
This moon cycle is asking to create a space the comforts and nurtures you at root of who you are.
Chakra Energies at play with this moon cycle
The Water element of Cancer mean we are 2nd Chakra (Svadhisthana) as we feel guidance from our emotions but also the 1st Chakra (Muladhara) as we create solid foundations to home ourselves as we create a sacred space for to house our emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. This moon cycle is very instinctual - it is a moon cycle to feel what is needed not to think what is needed. Feel in your lower belly, this is area of the womb in woman and the first home we ever knew, as unborn child surrounded by the water of amniotic fluid that nourished and supported us until we were ready to be birthed into the world brought into the physical through the root - this is path of the manifesting current of the chakras and that is exactly what we are doing with this moon cycle - manifesting into the physical what we feel in want from our home and family.
Connecting with the Soul Plan Energies of the New Moon in Cancer
From a Soul Plan Perspective this moon cycle is very connected to the energies of the Soul Plan 8-(8)) for the Cancer sign, the 13(-4) for the Water aspect and 2-(2) from the Moon connection.
This is a moon cycle for focusing connecting with the Mothering energies; with archetypal Earth Mother from the 8-8, to be a nurturer of that is physical; to create a home within our own bodies, creating a comforting physical home for ourselves and our family as well as a shared home of our planet that nourishes and supports. 13-4 calls in the Divine Mother energies a sacredness to the the nurturing and a deep wisdom from a connection from being part of a bigger family and finally the 2-2 provides the resilience and perspective to deal with the changing nature. and be able to support ourselves and others through them.
Those with these soul plan energies in the chart then this moon cycle will resonate even stronger with you. You can find if you have these energies by Checking out my soul plan reading options.
Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Gemini
This new moon explore the pathways of caring for spaces for yourself and others.
It is time to ask those hard questions and face them head on and really connect with how they make you feel?:
- How do you nurture myself and is there ways I can improve this?
- How can a make my home space more comforting and nourishing?
- How can nurture and develop the relationships with my family?
- How do a express my emotions - do I let them flow or stifle them?
- What can you do to create an environment that you can thrive in?
- Do I portray a tought
- How can you make changes that will create a beautiful shared home of Mother Earth that all can thrive and grow in?
This moon cycle is to find your creating nurturing spaces for all..
Rituals for the New Moon in Cancer
- Add Moon inspired elements to your altar space - silvery fabrics, moon symbols, moonstone crystals, white or silver candles.
- Cancer is a initiative energy so this is a good time to start new home improvement projects that creates a nurturing environment.
- Declutter - linked with the ;above - create space for the new.
- Start a new self-care routine to nurture the home of your body.
- Enjoy a long, scented bath - add a bit of himalyan salt to
- Get out in nature - connect with Mother Earth.
- Take a moonlit walk
- Make meal that is nourishing for mind, body and soul - maybe an old childhood favourite.
- Host a nurturing family dinner - with all the home comforts.
- Journal your feelings and emotions
- Add Moon inspired elements to your altar space - silvery fabrics, moon symbols, moonstone crystals, white or silver candles.
- Take a trip to the seaside (look in rock pools for some Cancerian crabs)
- Explore your family history or tree - opportunity to also sort photo albums
- And of course there is always attending my Moon Meditation Circle - this moon energy really supports mediation and inner reflection
Light and Cancer Moon Blessings