As we welcome the earthy Saturn ruled New Moon in Capricorn we connect with how we want to leave your mark in the world. Our soul guided calling such as our vocation or role within our own community or family circle.

This moon cycle we are encouraged plan to achieve our highest possibility. It is time to discover our place in the world and the unique contribution you want to make - what will be your earthly achievement and take soul directed action.

The energy at the time of the new (or dark moon as it is a time without moon light) moon is a prompt to go inside to reflect on how we respond to your calling and take responsibility for yourself and your action to achieve the big vision.

The Key Energies with the New Moon in Capricorn

With the New Moon in Capricorn, we are being guided by the sea goat - half mountain goat/half fish creature. The striving mountain goat provides sure-footed strength to navigate the mountain of of our goals and ambitions, the heights of possibility. The fish supports from the wisdom perspective of water.

The earth element of this sign means it is time to be grounded and practical with your soul guided actions. This is the time to actual build the foundations that last and support as you strive for those goals. The earth supports as you step into how you are being called to show up in the world.

The ruling planet of Saturn, symbolises boundaries and limitations - it is the planet of of rules and structure. This aspect may seem a bit burdensome but Saturn helps understand the rules of being in the Earth realm, it brings the practical and pragmatic energy that gets the job done and it brings age and wisdom. 

With this moon we are in the life area of the 10th house, externally is about career and reputation but inwardly it is about listening to our soul guidance to show up for ourselves to reach for your own highest potential. The inner aspect does not have an external measure or status but from a soul aligned measure  you will feel the success, fulfilled abundance of being aligned with soul purpose.

This is cycle calls us to grow up, take action and take responsibility for ourselves as we connect with our Soul’s Purpose, create and embody it. It is wisdom in action. 

“In dreams begin responsibilities.” 

~William Butler Yeats

Chakra Energies at play with this moon cycle

With the element of the Earth we are in the realm of the 1st Chakra (Root/Muladhara Chakra) as we build the foundation of ourselves in the world and become secure in who we are and why we are here.

Also we are in the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus/Manipura Chakra) as we work and strive to shine in the world through our actions and the 7th (Crown/Sahrashara Chakra) which provides our connection to our big calling\soul purpose.

Connecting with the Soul Plan Energies of the New Moon in Capricorn

From a Soul Plan Perspective this moon cycle is very connected to the energies of the Soul Plan 16(-7)  from the Capricorn energies, 20(-2) for the Saturn, 8-8 the Earth Aspect aspect.

The 16-7 energy is know for leadership - taking the lead in our life, step up and show up, shine in the world, community or family as you are being called from the heart. The 20-2 energy gives inquisitive and movement  to seek the answers to your calling. and not stop until you succeed. The 8-8 energies affords the ability to relate to the earth and society but provides practical support.

Those with these soul plan energies in the chart then you will find that this moon cycle helps you get clearer on what you want and your life direction and you started to move towards it but to be you can find out for sure by Checking out my soul plan reading options if you want to know your own energies).

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”

~Maya Angelou

Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Capricorn

This new moon to create plans to achieve your soul purpose?

It is time to ask those hard questions and face them head on and really connect with how they make you feel?:

  • How am I being called to contribute in world, my community or my family?
  • What are my plans for the future?
  • Am I being too rigid in following rules or am I trying to bypass the way of doing things (cut corners) which is blocking my success?
  • Am I being my own authority or do I give it way

This moon cycle is about focusing really examine what you hold and beliefs and thoughts and checking in if they still hold true.

Rituals for the New Moon in Capricorn

  • Get planning!!!  
    • create short and long term goals such as what do you want to achieve in the next year... next five years. 
    • Financial planning.
    • A new plan for a new health regime.
    • Plan some home changes or improvements 
  • Place images of Amaltheia - the Goat Goddess on your altar or images of mountain goats to invoke the sure footedness boldness to  climb mountains of your your goals
  • Drink a cup of goats milk
  • Do a walking Meditation
  • Leave/make foot prints to represent take (first) steps towards your soul calling or goal or taking dealing with things one step at a time! (You can do this any way you want - foot prints in the sand, paint your feet and create a foot print picture or simply draw around your foot)
  • Literally climb a mountain
  • Have a foot massage. Nurture your feet to create some surefooted progress as well aid the connection to the Mother Earth energies 
  • Tackle those tasks you have been avoiding as your will power is a little stronger with this moon cycle so you are going to be supported.
    • Finances & taxes
    • Organising the closets. 
  • Write your ideal job description 
  • Have a Soul Plan Reading to help you discover your soul guided calling

Light and Capricorn Moon Blessings

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