As we welcome the airy communicative energies of the Mercury ruled New Moon in Gemini we connect with the energies of communication - how we communicate with ourselves and others. The use of our voice does not just affect us, it affects our communities, inspires others, and paves a way for our children.
This moon cycle we are encouraged to facilitate comm-UNITY with those near us - through our words and actions.
The energy at the time of the new (or dark moon as it is a time without moonlight) moon is a prompt to go inside to reflect what how you communicate with those close connection to facilitate the bringing togetherness.
The Key Energies with the New Moon in Gemini
With the New Moon in Gemini, we are being guided by the Twins, Castor and Pollux, the mythological twin brothers of Helen of Troy. We have a story that represents not only brotherhood, but a connection/love between best friends (and relatives) who are entirely different by character, circumstances, physical appearance or upbringing. This duality also represents exchange and interaction, to mend differences and make them feel right.
“I know there is strength in the differences between us.
I know there is comfort, where we overlap.”
~Ani DiFranco
The sign of Gemini is closely associated with the exchange of ideas, communication, and trade.
Air influence
With Gemini we are in the Air element. and with it we are inhaling mental energy. We are lifted upwards into intellectual. The heady heights of the free moving air energy covers much ground with curious exploration and freedom to express many ideas.
Mercury influence
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the fastest of all the moving planets everything speeds up - expect this to be a busy fast paced moon cycle where conversations are quick and expressive. It influences your unique voice, your vantage point, and the way you make sense of things.
Astrological House influence
With this moon we are in the life area of the 3rd house, this is the house of Communication and 'Sibling'hood.
This moon cycle is asking you to brush up on your powers of communication and speaking your truth clearly - honesty with yourself and others with loving kindness not cruelty of course.
If you have a sibling and their has been any strain in your relationship then the Gemini Moon Cycle will support opening new positive pathways of communication to resolve the difficulties.
Chakra Energies at play with this moon cycle
The Air element of Gemini mean we are heart centred connection of the 4th Chakra (Heart/Anahata) as we create deep connections and as we express and communicate the 5th Chakra (Throat/Visshuda)
Connecting with the Soul Plan Energies of the New Moon in Gemini
From a Soul Plan Perspective this moon cycle is very connected to the energies of the Soul Plan 7-(7) for the Gemini sign, the 1(-1) for the Air aspect and 17-(8) from the Mercury connection.
This is a moon cycle for focusing connecting with facilitation bonds from the soul plan perspective. 7-7 the great soul plan facilitator and integrator will creates the call to gather together, even when there has been difference and difficulties whilst the 17(-8) brings the need to no longer be silent but to express and communicate in new connected ways and the 1(-1) brings the energies of Unity. All together they connect with energies of Comm-Unity, the bringing together.
Those with these soul plan energies in the chart then this moon cycle will resonate even stronger with you. You can find if you have these energies by Checking out my soul plan reading options.
Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Gemini
This new moon explore the pathways of communication with yourself and others
It is time to ask those hard questions and face them head on and really connect with how they make you feel?:
- How do I speak my truth to myself and others - do things need to change?
- How can I improve my communication skills both speaking and listening?
- How can I expand or improve my social circle?
- What needs healing with relationship with siblings (or other close family members)?
- How can I create more Comm-Unity spirit in my life?
This moon cycle is to find your connection with your voice.
Rituals for the New Moon in Gemini
- Do a public speaking course or learn a foreign language
- Arrange to meet up with a sibling
- Get to know your neighbours better - arrange a social gathering or bake them a cake
- Walking meditation or yoga because the heady energies of Gemini can be un-grounding
- Meditation in general to calm down the speed of thoughts and for downtime
- Read books
- Polish up on your listening skills (communication is 2 way path - practice the art of listening)
- Journal - explore your authentic self
- And of course there is always attending my Moon Meditation Circle - this moon energy really supports mediation and inner reflection
Light and Gemini Moon Blessings