As we welcome the airy, Venus ruled New Moon in Libra we connect with the qualities of equality, justice, fairness, beauty and love.
Our focus is brought particularly to the area of our relationship connections with this moon cycle. You may be blessed with new ideas and this cycle may be the bearer of change, especially in the areas of romance and friendship departments.
This moon's Libra energy will likely have you craving harmony and balance. You might also feel the tendency to keep things "nice" rather than disturb the peace. Remember that you deserve to speak up for yourself, and sometimes, a little bit of positive conflict is good for the soul!
The energy at the time of the new moon (which is actually dark without light) is a prompt to go inside to reflect and meditation on what is needed and with the growing crescent of light in the skies to grow from the inner reflection seeds of intentions and bring them into the physical.
The Key Energies with the New Moon in Libra
We are guided by the Goddess Libra energies which are about balance with a strong sense of fairness and equality whilst the Goddess Venus energies from the ruling planet govern love, harmony, beauty and expression of feelings.
The New Moon in Libra means we are in the 7th House astrological life area of partnerships which brings strong focus particularly on those close one-to-one connections that we have in our life. This is the moon cycle therefore is a really good time to connect and explore the qualities and aspects of the relationships are experienced in our life.
With the element of the Air governing this moon cycle, we are in the realm of the 4th (Heart) Chakra and which takes us into the heart connection relationships but with relationships we are also strongly connected with the 2nd (Sacral) chakra which is our feeling, expression and sensuality chakra centre. The air influence of Libra may also help breathe harmony and peace into relationships that have become strained.
From a Soul Plan perspective, this moon cycle is very supportive for those with the Soul Plan 12(-3) (Libra) and 11(-2) (Venus) energies but this one can also connects us with the Air energies from the 1-1 Soul Plan energies.
When we talk relationships it is more than just romantic relationships there are family or friends…even work colleagues. These are the people you can end up spending a lot of time with – they have a strong influence your own energies – how does it feel to be around them?
Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Libra
This new moon can be a good time to explore the quality of all those relationships in your life? So questions to ask yourself and take time for inner reflection on are:
Are you attracting the right people?
Are they balanced or do you comprise too much?
Are you able to express yourself authentically?
How does spending time with a particular person make you feel vibrant or depleted, this can be an indicator of the energy dynamics that are in play in that relationship. If the relationship is draining your energies then some strengthening of your boundaries and using boundary energy techniques can be particularly helpful.
What needs to change with your relationships? 11-2 soul plan energy guides us with this one, which is about change and that everything is in change. I loving the saying that “sometimes relationships are for a reason, a season or for life!” So this can be about knowing what type of relationship it is or about being willing to accept the change in it so there can be a strong aspect of being open to heal and forgive within this moon cycle. Allowing the flow energies of the second chakra and the expansion and breath of air from the fourth Chakra.
Beauty and Balance
And then we have the energies of Venus – really connecting with love, beauty and harmony. Asking yourself How can this be expressed or how can I bring more beauty into my life? Those with the12-3 Soul Plan energies will flourish with bringing the qualities into your life.
And then not forgetting symbol of the scales for Libra. This is about balance but also about justice. Is there something unfair or unjust happening that needs to be addressed? This moon has the energies to supporting this – balance and stability is a soul plan 1 energy aspect too. But remembering that Libra energies are about harmony so this may be more a negotiation process to re-address the balance!
This new moon and moon cycle is all about finding the balance in how you relate to others but also the balance within yourself.
Activities for the New Moon in Libra
- Socialise with friends that nourish you
- Spending more with family members that raise your energies
- Feather your energy field with a relationship feather wand/smudge stick (see section below) infused with the energies of what qualities or values you want to bring into relationships
- Create a beautiful mobile with symbols from the Libra energies – air, love, beauty – don’t forget to use pairs of the objects to represent both people in your relationships.
- Beautify the Relationships Feng Shui Sector of your home with paired items. This is the back right sector of your house or SW depending on which school of Feng Shui you use.
Creating and using a Relationship Feather Wand
You will need two feathers. It is lovely to go out for a walk in nature and see which ones appear - spirit often gives me brown and beige feathers as guidance but when I was preparing the Relationships Moon Circle the feathers that appeared were black and white which to be captured the essence of the Yin and Yang of relationships.
You will also need about 1m of thread - embroidery thread works really well.
Then leaving a small end hanging down down start winding the thread from the base of the feathers to the bottom of the quill to bind the two feathers.
Then wind back to the start point before tying the two ends together
As you wind connect with the qualities, values of what you would like to nourish and bring to your relationships.
When you have finished you can either further infuse it with the qualities by placing it on a mandala as I did in my moon circle.
Then when ready centre yourself with the breath and then begin wafting the feather through your energy field - all around back and front, from top to bottom paying particular attention to the heart and sacral chakra area.
Repeat frequently to keep the relationship energies from becoming stagnant.
This can be really good to do after having a relationship soul plan reading which will help you understand the relationship dynamics.
Light and Moon Blessings