As we welcome the earthy, Mercury-ruled, Sacred Servant of the zodiac: Virgo, we connect with the call to bring healing for ourselves & the world.
This moon cycle we are encouraged to into acts of service to help others but also to help ourselves through creating self care practices.
The energy at the time of the new (or dark moon as it is a time without moonlight) moon is a prompt to refine and improve the earthly body - our own , others and that of Mother Earth.
The Key Energies with the New Moon in Virgo
With the New Moon in Virgo, we are being guided by the Virgin. A virgin in its truest essence means one who is whole until herself. She is a woman who whole unto herself; she is a woman who knows herself, who honours herself and her boundaries. She know what gives her pleasure and how to connect with the divine power. A true empowered woman, rooted in herself who can not be owned or completed by anyone because she is completed within herself.
We this Virgin/Sovereign woman energy with activate the priestess. Priestesses were women that decided to stand in their own power and rise beyond society’s expectations devoted in her heart to the forces of nature, the divine within and the divine in the everything. Connected, she is able to translate the language of nature and divine as she follows a path of study and growth. Naturally humble and modest with humanity connection with genuine desire to make the world better.
Earth influence
With Virgo we are in the Earth element - which brings deep rooted connection with the physical body - our own and that of the Earth body so this moon cycle with bring strong attunement to the Mother Earth vibrations.
Mercury influence
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, we are in the fast paced bundle of energy of this planetary influence, both physically and mentally. This will be a time to get moving and making changes.
Astrological House influence
With this moon we are in the life area of the 6th house, this is the house of Daily Work and Health.. The two can be intrinsically linked when we are doing fulfilling work that we feel called to do then our health and our well-being habits often improve. And good well-being habits help us to fulfil our work efforts.
This moon cycle creates a call to make our world better place through actions to help ourselves, through our work but through service to help humanity as a whole.
Chakra Energies at play with this moon cycle
The Earth element of Virgo mean we are 1st Chakra (Muladhara) as we honour and connect with the physical bodies of the world - our own and Mother Earth. We are also in the Heart Chakra (Anahata) as it is actions of love and compassion for ourselves and others that drive the call to make the space with live in a better place to be and the call to be of the highest level of service in the world comes in with the connection to Crown Chakra (Sahrasrara).
This moon cycle brings a deep spiritual connection that brings change in the physical world.
Connecting with the Soul Plan Energies of the New Moon in Virgo
From a Soul Plan Perspective this moon cycle is very connected to the energies of the Soul Plan 10(-1) for the Virgo sign, 17-(8) from the Mercury connection and the 8(-8) for the Earthly vibrations
This is a moon cycle for focusing connecting with the 10-1 energies that bring the ying and the yang energies into balance - the blending of the Earth and Spiritual and as such brings the call to be of service to humanity. The 10-1 is about your life's work. The 17-8 is about speaking out - finding something you believe in and getting the message out there - giving a voice to what has not been heard. And finally the beautiful earthly connected energies of the 8-8 is about nurturer of society, humanity and of course Mother Earth - pracitical and pragmatic help not just sitting of the fence throwing ideas, this is practical action that makes a difference.
Those with these soul plan energies in the chart then this moon cycle will resonate even stronger with you. You can find if you have these energies by Checking out my soul plan reading options.
Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Virgo
This new moon explore service and healing.
It is time to ask those hard questions and face them head on and really connect with how they make you feel?:
- What health improvements can you make to honor your body?
- How can you be of service to bring healing in the world or make it a better place?
- How are you being overly critical of yourself and others?
- Where in nature makes you feel calmest, most energised and how can you find ways to be in that space more?
- What cause do you believe strongly in - how can you support this more?
This moon cycle is about making your world the best possible space to be in.
Rituals for the New Moon in Virgo
- Add Earth and heart inspired elements to your altar space - Earthly reds and green fabrics, Bloodstone crystals (Root Chakra support) and Heart Shaped Rose Quartz, red and green candles, rocks and plants.
- Start a new fitness regime - regular walks, yoga, qi gong
- Get out in nature and commune with Mother Earth - what do you and she need?
- Learn to meditate
- Plan healthy meals
- Be of service - help someone out this month
- Improve your physical space by decluttering.
- Have a massage?
- And of course there is always attending my Moon Meditation Circle for some guided reflection time.
Light and Virgo Moon Blessings