The full moon of April in Northern Hemisphere is called Pink Moon by the Native Americans because the herb moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring would make an appearance during April.
Pink Phlox has the symbolic meaning hope of new friendship. Pink is also the secondary colour for the heart chakra, the balance point in the chakra system and our centre for love and compassion.
This full moon offers an invitation to connect with your heart and focus on love and compassion - internally with self love and externally working on friendships either manifesting new ones or improvements to existing ones.
Pink Full Moon is about finding balance, self-love and attracting positive friendships
The Pink full moon connects us with the heart chakra but also falls during the zodiac sign Libra both of which connect us to the energies of balance, harmony, beauty, and heart centred friendships.
The power of good friendships comes with self-love and valuing yourself enough to balance time for yourself with your time to others and everything else in your life. If you give away too much of your energy without taking enough in by valuing yourself and your own needs - you end up drained and depleted. Be a good friend to yourself then you can open yourself up to others with a full well of energy but also show them how you wish to be treated.
Remember to practice Self-love, have compassion for other, honour your boundaries and breathe deep.
Action Question for Full Pink Moon
The Yang energies of the full moon are about taking action so during the full moon ask yourself
“How can I foster more self-love for myself by being a better friend to myself"
"Where do I need to call in more balance - are you giving away too much of your energy without taking enough in?"
"Which friendships require stronger boundaries ?"
​Don’t allow this to remain just a thought process though, create an action plan for achieving it.
And don’t forget to ask the strong manifesting/creative energies of the full moon to help had extra power to the actions and bring them into reality
Rituals for Full Pink Moon
Place Rose Quartz crystals and Pink Phlox or Flowers on your altar and around your home
Create a list of every beautiful thing about you and why you are worthy of love.
Create a friendship bracelet or amulet - either give it to yourself or to a positive friendship
Take time for a Heart Chakra Meditation
Make and drink Rose Tea or Rose Crystal Water
Light and Pink moon blessings., lovely souls.