A Power Word is a powerful alternative to New Year’s resolutions, and here’s why...
I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a few years ago when I realised that by February each year, I felt despondent and guilty as yet another resolution hit the skid pan. I am not alone - nearly 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February! It’s not that New Year’s resolutions are inherently bad, but they often lack the deep connection necessary to inspire us to keep going. They don’t help us make decisions when situations fall outside their scope.
Why do New Year Resolutions fail?
We often set New Year’s resolutions at the Do level: “I will get fit,” “I will lose weight,” or “I will go to the gym X times a week.” These resolutions are task-focused and feel like a should rather than an intrinsic motivation. They seem reasonable but carry built-in guilt and are, of course, breakable. Additionally, they often focus on having a certain outcome, such as, “Then I will have more self-confidence this year.”
Why a Power Word Does Work!
For meaningful change, your focus must come from within. It needs an essence that inspires you at the mind, body, and spirit levels - something you can’t break. That’s where a GUIDING WORD or POWER WORD comes in. A Power Word is not tied to an outcome or a should but embodies a feeling that guides you throughout the year. It reminds you of how you want to be when faced with choices or challenges.
Choosing a Power Word in Life or Business...
A Guiding Word can apply to your personal life, business, or both. For example, as a solopreneur working in my Soul Alignment Coaching business, my business is an extension of me, so the same word often guides both areas. This year, the word I have chosen is NURTURE, as it guides me at both levels.
Personally, I want to make more time for self-care, improved health, and well-being (encompassing the usual goals like getting fit and losing weight). At a business level, I want to nurture growth by supporting my clients, followers, and community. In previous years, I’ve chosen words like REAWAKEN, VISIBLE, and FLOWINGLY ORGANISED (yes, I know that’s two words, but “organised” alone felt too rigid!).
Your word should embody the feeling or action you want to cultivate throughout the year.
Finding your Power Word
In 2018, I created a free resource called FIND YOUR GUIDING WORD to help people discover their Power Word. A Power Word isn’t just for January - you can adopt one at any point in the year when you need focus or empowerment. The free eBook also includes suggestions for using your word to make the biggest impact.
Blessings, and enjoy your Word Empowered Journey.