The Full Moon in February is the full Snow Moon in the Northern Hemisphere. It was the time when the Snowfall in North America was at the heaviest making hunting difficult so also it was often also called Hunger Moon by the Native American tribes, who used moon phases and cycles to keep track of the seasons by giving a distinctive name to each recurring full moon.
This moon offers an invitation to deepen your connection with your soul during the stillness that is offered in the world and to explore what is beneath the surface of yourself.
Snow Full Moon is about deepening the connection with your soul
We generally spend more time indoors and nature seems to to be noiseless and tranquil or asleep, when the world is covered with a white blanket of snow. This silence and stillness invites us to introspection, to think about higher things and our connection with deeper matters. Snow represents 'Purity. Purity of thought seems to naturally come to our minds when it is so visible in the world around us so this is an ideal time for spending time deepening the connection with your soul and your connection 'Universal Source' and with the 'Divine'.
And after fresh snow everything looks different - Nothing is as it appears so it is a great time to ask what appears beneath and to have fresh eyes and a new perspective on all things in your life. Beneath the the blanket of snow there is often new life starting to grow. Soon the snow will melt. Spring is coming. It’s why the Chinese also refer to the Full Snow Moon as the Budding Moon. If you look at the bare branches of the trees and bushes, you can see nubs of new growth emerging. You and I will emerge too, resurface and step out into what feels like a new world, a heaven reborn. Under the Full Snow Moon we are gathering ourselves, we are gaining new insights and new power. And our beauty will emerge from the melting snow. The dream and vision element being carried forth from a moon cycle initiated by Aquarius.
Often falling after Imbolc & Chinese/Lunar New Year the purity reflects the custom of greeting the new year with a clear soul.. (2018 saw no full moon in February so no Snow Moon but two full moons in January and March instead know as Blue Moons though before modern day calendars and time keeping then which moon would have been considered Snow by the tribes may have been determined by the weather at the time and appearance of the wolves for the January Wolf Moon)
Action Question for Full Snow Moon
The Yang energies of the full moon are about taking action so during the full moon ask yourself
“How can I connect more deeply with my true authentic self, that is my soul beneath the the layer that I present to the world?"
"What do I need to do to help myself be re-birthed into the world in a way that true to myself and my visions for the coming year"
"What changes do I need to make to remove the obstacles to me appearing in the world in a way that that aligns with my soul , my values and my visions"
Don’t allow this to remain just a thought process though, create an action plan for achieving it.
And don’t forget to ask the strong manifesting/creative energies of the full moon to help had extra power to the actions and bring them into reality
Rituals for Full Snow Moon
Create a quiet simply space for meditation,contemplation and and creative dreaming. You can add snow white elements to the space to allow you to connect with the truth of who you are - you in your purest form..
Create a vision board of your dreams and visions that you want to manifest with the powerful creative force of the moon in her fullness.
Make a moon tree - find a branch of rowan and paint it white (or silver). Your moon tree can be decorated with moon guided objects. I like white ribbons like snowy icicles and white feathers to connect with the air element of the Aquarius initiated moon cycle that this moon often falls in but can represent flight to your dreams and visions.
Light white or silver candles on your altar space.
Maybe not such an obviously one but plan out your seed/garden planting for soon it will be spring. Time to get prepared whilst in stillness before the full rush of springtime energies.
Light and snow moon blessings., lovely souls.