The full moon of June is called Strawberry Moon because this month the fruit of the strawberry plant in Northern America ripens. The Seneca, an indigenous North American tribe, suggest that the strawberry represents rebirth since they are the first fruit to ripen and soon other fruits would appear too so it was the start of a time of abundance. This month therefore can also be associated with particularly good health.
At the Heart of the Strawberry Moon
From some Pagan traditions, the red heart shaped fruit represents friendship and love, particularly in celebrations with food.
So this can be a good month to
focus your intentions on creating abundance in all aspects but particularly on health, friendships and love.
So for the month of Strawberry Moon make time to have a celebration with friends and family around food not forgetting the strawberries! Have friends around for a healthy feast or make time for eating a special meal with someone you love especially if you have let any of these aspects slip in recent month's because this is the time for rebirth/restart after all.
Summer Solstice and a Strawberry Moon
There is also the potential for the full moon of June to fall on the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the time of the longest day of sunshine. This is a very rare occurrence the last occurred in 2016 and the next will not be until 2062 so for many of us it was a once in a lifetime occurrence. If you are blessed to be around for the next one then it is an extra special time - as the solstice is symbolic of the light of our consciousness shining more brightly in our awareness. As well as a time of great potential and abundance so it can add additionally potency to the manifesting power of a full moon if they fall together. But a full moon close to the solstice still carries this energetic resonance so let the light shine on all that is needed and is abundant in your life.
Strawberry Full Moon Blessings