
Energetic and Soul Guidance to help you shine

Chakras and what they do...

When it comes to keeping your body healthy and liveing a happy life, the 7 major chakras (metaphysical energy centres) held within our human body are essential. These chakras are considered the primary energy centers of the body allowing earth and spiritual energies to flow through us. When all the chakras are open, the energy that flows freely through them provides harmony between our body, mind, and spirit.

The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel, and many people envision them as wheels of light helping us to shine in the aspect of our life that it is connected to..

In traditional teachings the Chakras are represented by a lotus flower, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Even wit its roots are in the dirtiest waters, it beautiful flower rises from the mud without stain. This is pretty amazing as it submerges every night into river water and miraculously re-blooms the next morning, sparklingly clean! This very process associates the flower with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment and the daily process of life, death, and reemergence back into the light.

There are seven major chakras within the the Sacred Vessel of how human body, and they each have their unique characteristics. When even one of these is blocked and not flowing well, it can make us feel off balance and have a ripple affect into many different aspect of our lives.

The Root Chakra

The first chakra is known as the root chakra also known as the Muladhara. It is located at the base of our spine and is our foundation - our roots into the world. When balanced, it provides us with the feeling of being grounded and part of the world - we feel safe and secure. When the root chakra is open and balanced, we can feel confident and secure in ourselves, the nature of who we are. If your self-confidence is lacking, then the root chakra may be blocked. Those with a strong root chakra can withstand  challenges and stand on their own two feet - think of a tree being buffeted by strong winds, if its roots are strong in the ground it will not fall. If it is blocked, we may feel unstable, insecure and threatened in our world.

Root Chakra Characteristics:
  • Associated with the color red and the element of Earth.
  • This chakra helps with the feet, bones, legs, adrenal glands, and the large intestine.
  • The chakra is associated with security and survival so blocks in this chakra may show up as issues with physical health or money and other financial issues.
  • An open Root Chakra helps you to feel confident in your ability to take on challenges.

Interestingly my clients who are predominately on the spirtual path often struggle with this Chakra as they have focussed their attention on developing their upper chakras or have a natural predisposition to their higher chakras leaving their roots neglected. For them it often shows up as struggling to manifest in the world - such as a getting their businesses off the ground though spiritually very gifted.

Time in nature, walking barefoot or gardening benefits this chakra and the Child’s Yoga pose – where you surrender to the support of the Earth, seed like ready to grow can help. Additionally here are some Root Chakra Affirmations that can help..

The Sacral Chakra

Moving up the body, we can work with the second chakra, known as the sacral chakra or the Swadhisthana. It is located about two inches below your navel on the lower part of your abdomen.

This is a good chakra to work on because it helps us relate to our emotions and understand the emotions of others. It encourages good relationships. This helps us not to lose our cool all the time while being empathetic to others. This is also a good chakra to use for our sexual energy and creativity. When this chakra is blocked, we likely feel a lack of energy in our lives. Opening up the sacral chakra can make it easier to regulate your emotions and choose which ones are important to use and when.

Sacral Chakra Characteristics:
  • The Sacral Chakra is connected to us in how we relate to our various emotions.
  • It is also connected to how we relate to the emotions of other people.
  • This is also the chakra that governs sexual energy and creative matters.
  • When the chakra is blocked, people often feel a lack of control.
  • Associated with the color orange and the element of water.
  • Connected to bodily functions with the bladder, kidneys, reproductive system, and circulatory system.

Time by water (especially in the moon light), journaling to capture and explore your feelings benefits this chakra and the Goddess Yoga pose – opening the pelvic region like a flower. Additionally here are some Sacral Chakra Affirmations to help you.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The power center chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra or Manipura. Its location is the upper abdomen in the area of the stomach. This chakra helps us to feel confident and in complete control over our lives. A good way to remember this chakra is to think back to the last time there was a pit in your stomach, or if you felt like you had butterflies there. When you have those experiences, it is the power center chakra at work. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel shame and self-doubt in your decisions. Yet, when this one is open, you can express your true self without doubt or worry about what others think.

Solar Plexus Chakra Characteristics:
  • Controls feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Associated with the color yellow and the element of fire – the first element that is free of the pull of Earth’s gravity and able to move upwards.
  • Tied to body functions such as the muscles, adrenals, digestive system, and the pancreas.
  • Those who are deficient in their Solar Plexus Chakra's openness will often feel insecure and be indecisive.

Watching sunrise, a candle or fire to activate the fire within and adding gentle warming spices to food) benefits this chakra and the Boat Yoga pose – a powerful posture to concentrate the energy into this area and build strength.

The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the bridge between the upper chakras and the lower chakras, also known as Anahata. It is found just above the heart and in the chest's center. As you can guess from the name, this is a chakra that will influence how we can give love to others and how we receive love for ourselves. When your heart chakra is blocked, it is hard to open up to other people in your life. You may be able to give love to others, but it is difficult to accept love from others, and this is a problem too. When the heart chakra is open, you may experience deep empathy and compassion in your life. There is so much more to the heart chakra than love, although this is an important part of this chakra.

Heart Chakra Characteristics:
  • Associated with the color green and the element of air
  • The Heart Chakra is connected to body functions such as the thymus gland, the lungs, the heart, and the arms.
  • It is the chakra that controls inner peace and feelings such as joy and love.

Feeling the wind on your face, hearing the gentle sounds of wind chimes and breath deeply and filling yourself with gratitude benefits this chakra and the Angel Wings Yoga pose.

The Throat Chakra

Then there is the throat chakra also known by the name Vishuddha. This is an important chakra to keep open because it gives a voice to the heart chakra, our thoughts, and feelings. It controls how well we can communicate with others, bringing in our power. When it functions well, the throat chakra is a great one to help us express ourselves clearly and in a true fashion. If this is blocked, it may be hard to speak your truth or be shy.

The throat area is the narrowest point energetically and so often a potential sticking point – literally bottlenecking our free flow of energy

Throat Chakra Characteristics:
  • Associated body functions include the arms, thyroid, hands, neck, and the parathyroid glands.
  • The chakra is associated with the color Turquoise Blue and the element of ether.
  • This is the chakra that controls one's ability to express themselves and to communicate.

Chanting/singing without judgement of your abilities, speak your truth benefits this chakra and the Fish Yoga pose.

The 3rd Eye Chakra

As we make it up the body a little more, we will start to look at some of the chakras that help us communicate and be one with the divine. The third eye chakra also known as Ajna is an example of how this works. Located between and just above your physical eyes. This one will control our ability to see the big picture and connect up with our own intuition. This is like the eye of the soul. It handles registering any information that is beyond this plain. If you follow your intuition and it is often right, this signifies that the third eye chakra is working well. For example, it is hard to have intuition and visions if your third eye chakra is not open.

Third-Eye Chakra Characteristics:
  • The Third-Eye Chakra controls things such as wisdom, imagination, and intuition.
  • When the chakra is open, your intuitive skills open up as well.
  • The chakra is associated with the color dark purple and the element of light.

Looking to the stars (find the patterns within chaos), notice serendipities that happen in your life and following your intuition benefits this chakra and the Eye(Nethra Vyayaam) Yoga pose. Also chanting Om stimulates Ajna as well as brings a sense of peace to allow space for intuition to develop.

The Crown Chakra

And now we reach the final chakra, the crown chakra also known as Sahasrara. This is the highest chakra, sitting right on the crown of our head. When it is open, this one represents our ability to be connected with the spiritual world. It controls your connection to spirituality and beauty. When you open up this chakra, and many people struggle with this one, you can reach a higher consciousness than before. This one will take some time and attention, but opening it up can help you be more attuned to your higher self. It also connects you to the spiritual realm and world consciousness and your purpose.

Crown Chakra Characteristics:
  • The chakra is associated with the color violet/white and its element is consciousness.
  • It is associated with body functions tied to the cerebral cortex, the pituitary, and the central nervous system.
  • The chakra represents a connection to the ultimate truth and a sense of awareness.

Spending time in silence and meditation benefits this chakra and the Hare Yoga pose (gentler on the neck and easier than the full headstand).

The importance of balance in the chakras

Your chakras are important energy centers that help you to live a healthy and balanced life.

It is important to keep all the chakras in balanced flow. If any of them is  restricted, it can cause confusion and issues in your life and your life can feel hard and out of balance. The longer it stays blocked/restricted, the harder the other chakras have to work. And this can cause more disharmony in your life and even severe physical health issues.

The same problem can happen when a chakra is open too much, like a river that has broken it’s banks, allowing energy to flood everywhere and anyway without clear direction.

Balance is the key, when you learn how to balance them, you can allow the energy to flow through your whole body and mind, body and soul work in harmony and unison to allow you to blossom and shine in all areas of your life.

Meditation Support for your Chakras

Meditation can be beneficial to all the Chakras not just the crown chakra, which is whay I have produced a gentle but powerful guided meditation, 'Chakra Life Flow', suitable for everyone and contains gentle positive affirmations to improve life areas and mindset. It also includes some printable affirmation cards and an Introduction To Your Chakras e-book.

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