Soul Transformation Therapy - Oversensitivity cardsOversensitivity is the trait that lets you become overly affected by an external influence that can hardly affect normal people. This is an issue that comes up quite often within my Soul Transformation Therapy and Soul Plan Sessions and covers a big remit, there is physical, emotional, energetic sensitivity amongst a few.

I have Soul Plan challenge energies that are often synonymous with being oversensitive and as such I tend to experience both emotional and energetic sensitivity so this is something I am familiar with experiencing. As such this should be something easy for me to talk about but actually it makes me be uncomfortable. The emotional aspect of over-sensitivity because I have to admit that I cry easily, someone forgetting to invite me to something (even if I could not make it anyway) hurts me deeply, a slight change in tone from others and I used to question have I have done something wrong effects me – are just a few ways that it shows up.

As for the Energetic Oversensitivity…now that plays up even more…I always remember a tutor turning up at class with 2 oldish looking rings that had appeared over the weekend on the mantelpiece of her 17th Century home. Without thinking I reached out to touch them…well it felt like there was giant was trying to hammer at my head and next thing I knew I was coming around on the floor. Later that same year I was in a Cathedral when the same overwhelming feeling of energy hammering at me – I ran out of there as quickly as possible gasping for breath. And generally a place has to have a harmonious atmosphere or I am just plain uncomfortable.

And that is the crux of oversensitivity – we easily feel uncomfortable because we feel deeply at so many levels. And because we feel deeply we are easily hurt, easily overwhelmed and easily thrown out of kilter.

So what can you do if you experience over-sensitivity like this….here are some tips to help.

How to overcome Emotional Oversensitivity…

“It isn’t what happens to us that causes us to suffer; it’s what we say to ourselves about what happens.” ~Pema Chodron

This is so very true and an excellent point to remember when you are feeling emotionally sensitive because it is our reaction, our feelings, our thoughts that cause us the actual pain.

In many ways the 11(-2) card of Soul Plan is actually the perfect reminder of the solution to emotions sensitivity in that is associated with logic but also counselling energies and that is exactly what is needed to overcome

So what am I feeling?

Start with correctly identifying the emotional feeling – often we use another emotion to mask the deeper and sometimes rawer emotion or the so-called taboo emotion. Anger is a perfectly healthy emotion if in a balanced way. So determine whether you are feeling disappointed, sad, angry, or something else. Once you know what it is, you can begin to uncover the reasons you feel this way and that gives you something to work with.

What is really going on?

No one can  “make” us feel anything but they can activate feelings and opinions we already have about ourselves.

When you know what you are feeling then you can start to figure out why you are feeling it. What am I really struggling with? Often it is our insecurities at play, are you feeling stupid because you doubt your own abilities, are you feeling rejected because you doubt you are good enough for someone to be bothered with you.

What would you say a friend in the situation? Be your own best friend?

Most people are much kinder to others than they are themselves. If a best friend had the same thing happening what would you say to them. If you’re full of self-blame or over exaggerating the situation, it can be helpful to take the role of an impartial friend to give perspective and don’t forget to listen to that advice you would offer a friend.

Use Journalling

Get is out of your head! I would highly recommend having a journalling practice and writing down emotions, what you are feeling, why you are feeling it, writing a letter to yourself as a friend – all of these really help the emotional sensitivity by stopping going around in your head.

 And now… How to overcome Energetic Oversensitivity

Move Away

It may seem obvious but if you can move away. You may be able to come back later once you have regained your energetic equilibrium or put some energetic protection in place.

Visualize protection around you

There are many techniques but research has shown visualisation is a powerful method to heal and protect. I love the blue light bubble created around me like an egg cocooning me and keeping be safe. When I am going into a difficult situation but do not want to be total shield then I visualise I am carrying an energetic shield the deflects over-whelming or negative energies. Very effective especially when imagined over the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Ask the energy to back off

If over-whelmed but needing the connection still then simply request that the energy tone it down a bit. This can very much what is needed when I am working with a channelled/intuitive connection that is coming in too quick or too strong.

Space Clearing/Cleansing/Declutter

Energetically sensitive people need clear harmonious spaces so if this is your home or office making you uncomfortable and affecting you then start space clearing. Feng shui says that negative energy collects where there is clutter (which gathers dust) so decluttering is perfect those sensitive souls. If you have moved into a new space then do a space cleansing

Recommended Reading: Clear your Clutter by  Karen Kingston


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