Winter Solstice, marks the time of the shortest day and longest night here in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the point when the light energy changes direction. For the last few months it has been drawing down into the Earth but from this day it starts moving upwards once more.

At the Winter Solstice the wheel of the Earth Cycle pauses and begins again with a new cycle. Winter Solstice signals that it is time to re-birth ourselves into the world, as we experience increasing light and warmth.

The Energies of the Winter Solstice

In the darkness before this point, we have been called to focus inwards into the inner realms of ourselves. The changing energy from the solstice onwards means it is the time to take the inner wisdom we have gathered during those dark months and begin to birth it out into the outer world as the light begins to grow in the world once more.

The time spent in the dark; deep in the Earth energies; has nourished our energies and inner connection. These revitalised energies will help now to carry us on the journey back into the outer realms.

Winter Solstice (and the Christmas festivities) is a perfect opportunity to come out of hibernation and be more socialable. Now is the time to renew bonds and connections and celebrate the joy of each other, celebrate the joy of life and the beginning of a new cycle with all its wonderful possibilities.

Outward Expression

It is now time to express out in the world not just our own inner wisdom but also the intentions that we would like to grow and flourish in the next Earth Cycle. I love using a Guiding Word to help with keeping to intentions rather than setting 'New Year/New Cycle Resolutions.

Ways you can celebrate Winter Solstice

  • Make a circle of evergreen -  if you ever wondered about those Christmas wreaths hanging on front door they had the origins in the traditional winter solstice celebrations of evergreens to represent everlasting life.
  • Gathering together with your clan\family\friends - with the increasing light we are called into outer expression and this is the time to connect with being part a bigger whole
  • Candles - on Solstice Eve meditate in darkness and then welcome the birth of the sun by lighting candles
  • Fire Ceremony - gather around a fire outside in nature. Bring light and warmth to the darkest night
  • Decorated an oak log - decorated a log and then Solstice Eve make a ritual burning of it - releasing the past and what no longer services to light the way for the new to come in
  • Meditate - meditate on the light within to bring light to the darkest day of the year
  • Connect with the old ways and the ancestors - this is a time to reconnect with the ancient ways of being so why not get the support of your ancestors (I have created a Free Meditation - Support of the the ancestors)

So stand in the circle, weave the web of light
Dance in the moonlight
Bring fire to the night
Release the past that made us
Release the fire within
Revel in the mystery and embrace your sacred Kin

By Brian Boothby


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