The Full Moon in March is the full Worm Moon in the Northern Hemisphere. March is the time in North America when the earth begins to warm with the spring sunshine, the ground softens and the earthworm gets busy readying the earth for the spring growth that will follow hence the Native Americans named the full moon of this time as Worm Moon.

The Earthworm symbolises that this month offers an invitation to examine and digest what has been occurred in our life and cast off what is not necessary or beneficial.   A time to spring clean your life and emotions to create perfect space for new growth.

Worm Full Moon is about courage and strength for a cause and following intuition

They may not have eyes, teeth or lungs but they have plenty of heart...TEN hearts actually. Even the smallest and mildest in the world has the capacity to show great heart - expressing courage, love, and/or passion for a cause. The Earthworm may be small but it's small efforts have a great impact. So this is a perfect time to cast off what is no longer required and have a strong heart - start now by making small changes whether in your own life or and for a cause and do not underestimate what is possible.

They have no eyes, no ears, no arms or legs, and yet somehow are able to find their way in life and find a safe path through.  They have awareness/perception of the weather, trusting the call to travel to the surface - a trust of their intuition and acting upon it without doubt. So this moon can be great for learning to act on your intuition more than your head and see where it takes you.

The humble earthworm has an amazing capacity to heal itself, regrowing damaged and missing portion. Something we ourselves struggle to do with all our technology. Within this full moon energy you can work with self healing - bringing you back to your wholeness under the fullness of this moon.

Action Question for Full Worm Moon

The Yang energies of the full moon are about taking action so during the full moon ask yourself

“Where do I need use my courage to action change in my life and the world"

"How can I clear and make space for the new to come in?"

"What cause am I passionate about and how can I follow my heart and deepen my support for that cause?"

"Where am a trusting my intuition and what areas do ignore it because of doubts/fears?"

"What area in my life feels like it it missing something and how can I heal it?"

Don’t allow this to remain just a thought process though, create an action plan for achieving it.

And don’t forget to ask the strong manifesting/creative energies of the full moon to help had extra power to the actions and bring them into reality

Rituals for Full Worm Moon

Have a spring clean/clear out (this will be extra aligned if it is falling in a Pisces New Moon initiated moon cycle which is about creating sacred space)

Start preparing your garden and soil for planting the start of the vegetable growing season - planting seeds.

Follow your heart and support a cause or project with your time and effort that brings change in the world

Learn a self healing method such as Reiki to help bring you into balance and wholeness.

Spend the day listening and following your intuition or look at ways that you can develop your intuition.

Light and worm moon blessings., lovely souls.


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