Soul Plan is an amazing and powerful system of soul guidance and energy alignment that can be used to understand life, relationships and even business.
What is Soul Plan?
In it's expanded form it is not only used for life purpose guidance for an individual but can be used to understand relationships between two people (romantic, family, friends etc). Additionally it can be used to optimise name changes as well as can help in choosing a business name that sends out the right vibrations for success.
The origins of Soul Plan
Soul Plan has its roots and derives its basic interpretations from the ancient scripts of the Sefer Yetzirah, It includes a gematria system of calculation that was probably passed on or channelled to the late Frank Alper along with 22 symbols that accompany the 22 letters and interpretations as described from in the Sefer Yetzirah.
The system has been developed and modernised into the current counselling and coaching tool by Blue Marsden, who has added further interpretations. through experience and research of Hebrew and kabbalah, through additional new channelled material including soul messages, affirmations, belief identification and a method of energetic healing.

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Learning Soul Plan for yourself
If you are interested in learning soul plan for yourself then I was one of the first teachers taught by Blue Marsden and to be able to offer certified Soul Plan practitioner level courses here