Are you starting a new business or product and need a name?
Your existing business is struggling and wondering if a re-brand will help?
Will your business partnership work?
Send out the right message with Soul Plan for Business Names
What is Soul Plan for Business Names? An important area and one that can make or break a company is corporate identity, branding and the company name. From the perspective of the Soul Plan system the name of the company must be able to relate to the collective unconscious of your target market whilst being aligned with the Soul Plan of the key initiators – Directors, Founders, Owners, Sole Traders, Partners etc… providing advice on or can even channel company names, product names and website names.
Why does my business need Soul Plan? You want your business to be a success and to attract the right customers - for this you need to be sending out the right vibrations and message at the deepest level.
Additionally assuming your intentions are positive – you can gain an insight into the different abilities, talents, goals, strengths and difficulties experienced by key employees, prospective employees, business partners, associates and clients. Discover how these people interact with you on a pragmatic and energetic level. Discover who is positive for you and in what way. This service is available to enlightened businesses who have already realised or can see the logic in a healthy and harmonious working environment leading to maximised profits and efficiency.
What happens during a business reading?
- You provide your full birth name as it appeared on your birth certificate for each of the founders of the business as well the current business name and/or list of potential business names that you would to be looked at. I will also need to know the type of business and goals/aims of the business.
- In advance of your session the Soul Plan Reading process is applied to all the names and charts prepared and read individually and then in combination.
- We meet (on-line or in-person) to review soul plans for the people involved and potential of each of business names for sending out the right message and vibration for the type business. I would recommend recordings your Soul Plan Reading sessions due to the amount of information covered. I can provide the service for a small charge if you require a CD version instead of electronic download.
If there is more than one owner/founder or you have more name options then please contact me as there will be additional costs involved - Contact Me
Frequently Asked Questions about Business Soul Plan
How long does a Business Soul Plan Reading take?
This depends on the number of people and names to be looked at but the first level or reading it takes about 75 minutes
How can I learn Business Soul Plan for myself?
Reading of Soul Plan for Business is part of the Advanced Soul Plan Training Course, you must have taken the Soul Plan Practitioner Training before you undertake this course.