8th January 2024 - Fully broken
Every experience can be an opportunity to awaken and bring into awareness what is holding you back in your life or your business back...

Today I questioned where in my life procrastination is costing me. Little things can bring something into awareness that has been bubbling under the surface. This morning I broke my hair slide as I shut down the drawer. I got that little tingle on the edge of my attention as I looked at the broken hair slide so I felt into the feeling. It wasn't that I was sad about the slide, I was really annoyed. Annoyed with myself but why? As I explored the feeling it surfaced that I was annoyed with myself because the drawer was overly full with unnecessary stuff but I had been avoiding the task to clear out, to let go of the old stuff and now it had meant it had cost me something I did want.
Now I could have ended this at this point but because of that little tingling, that feeling, I know that there is something more so I asked the question where else in my life is this also the case?
And there it was procrastination is holding me back from creating things because my mind was overly full and cluttered with ideas and beliefs some of which are now old and past their sell-by date. It is time to let go of something in order not to break the more important things.
It means getting all that is in my head out on paper, then establishing what needs to be kept and having my focus and be completed! My spiritual goals in the soul plan energy of 6-6 which means I need to work at staying focussed and filter out what is no longer required.
I know my head is not the place to be doing this because like the bathroom drawer if I tried to sort it in situ I would just move things around, it needs to be taken out so it can be clearly seen and sorted properly. Seeing the old stuff that no longer serves me and keep and organise what is needed in a way that can be seen easily and I can choose what I need to focus on at the time so as not to break something else that is working.
Small things can lead to big breakthroughs you just need the light of awareness shone on it.
11th January 2024 - Seen differently

New Moon in Capricorn today and a new moon always brings out an introspective quality and nature provides the gateway, As I walked I noticed frozen frost-covered leaves on the ground. At first, I only noticed the many brown maple leaves gathered together but then on an open piece of frosty-tinged grass, I came across a different leaf with an unusual colouring - its outer edges contrasting to its inner core. Little divine sparks of soul came through as I reflected.
Do you dare to be different - to not follow the crowd? To stand apart as uniquely you?
Is your outer world reflecting what is at the centre core of you?
Such good soul alignment nudges because if our outer self is different to our inner self we can expend a lot of energy keeping up the mask and pretence.
Always own your uniqueness even if that means having to stand apart from the crowd. Those that make a difference in the world break the mould. Then hold true to their inner values and let that shine out and be seen by the world.
A little natural inspiration to explore today. I will no doubt expand upon these in my newsletters so make sure you are signed up to receive them.