![Beaver Full Moon](https://anitadmarshall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Beaver-Full-Moon.jpg)
November is the month of the Full Beaver Moon. In the Northern Hemisphere this moon was the time when the beaver fur was lush, deep and at its best and so if caught now before they went into their hibernation sleep the hunters could ensure they has waterproof, warm hides for protection for themselves and their families during the ensuing cold months.
Beaver is consider a great spirit animal by the native American traditions. These creatures are great builders - architects of their own life and destiny.
Beavers Full Moon is about preparation, productivity and achievement
As the days shorten it is time to make and gather our reserves that will see us through the darkness and into the light. This moon is a time to wrap things up before the winter fully embraces. Our energies are at this time are naturally lower and though you may feel lethargic this is not the time to rest this moon signifies to embrace your beaver nature and work diligently until the task is completed - get beavering away!
The beaver is an expert builder, transforming it space and world around it through hard work, determination. But we learn from the beaver energy is that you don't need to do this all alone, working with others to accomplish a common goal quickly and efficiently is also important. so look to those supportive connections.
We are being reminded by nature to be finalising and storing up for the time of winter rest and reflection.. You are building the space in life ready for dream time. Dream time is where you create the vision for what you want to birth into life with the new Earth Cycle that will happen from Winter Solstice on wards.
During this moon cycle connect with the support systems that help achieve your dreams. this includes your family and friends network. So make sure that it is not all work and no play...keep the work-life balance.
Action Question for Full Beaver Moon
The Yang energies of the full moon are about taking action so during the full moon ask yourself
“What still needs finalising/finishing this month?”
“How can a create a nurturing space for myself for relaxation and dreaming(visioning)?”
"Who or what is needed to support my dreams? How can I nourish and grow these supportive connections?"
Don’t allow this to remain just a thought process though, create an action plan for achieving it.
And don’t forget to ask the strong manifesting/creative energies of the full moon to help had extra power to the actions and bring them into reality
Rituals for Full Beaver Moon
Look around your space, your home and work spaces, what projects remain unfinished. Create a plan to complete these tasks and get to work on them.
Choose how you will celebrate your achievement and successes when you accomplishment? Really envision the detail to motivate you to complete.
Gather with friends and family that are supportive of your dreams. Make this a nurturing, relaxing affair nothing too formal, this is about creating supportive bonds.
Create a luxurious, restful place for yourself - revamp your bedroom or meditation space.
Immerse yourself in a warm sacred bath to honour both this furry creatures water realm home but also as this full moon often be often will have started with the New Moon in Scorpio , a water sign with strong connection to the watery world of the Sacral Chakra.
Full Beaver Moon Blessings