As we welcome the watery, Mars and Pluto ruled New Moon in Scorpio we connect with the powerful, intense, raw and passionate energies. The witchy, dark feminine of the zodiac and the guardian of death, transformation & power this is an intensely experienced moon cycle.

Our focus is brought particularly to the area of our what needs to be transformed at this time...what has to die in order for a rebirth to take place. This moon provides strong transformational opportunities.

The energy at the time of the new moon (which is actually dark without light) is a prompt to go inside to reflect and meditation on what is needed and with the growing crescent of light in the skies to grow from the inner reflection seeds of intentions and bring them into the physical.

The Key Energies with the New Moon in Scorpio

With the New Moon in Scorpio, we are being guided by the Wild Woman/Witchy archetype energies of Scorpio which brings with a certain powerfulness, intensity, raw wildness and passion to this moon cycle and an experience of the darkness and lightness of flow of the life and death cycle.

The Water element of this sign means it is a time of deep running emotions and passion. The currents run deep and strong with the New Moon in Scorpio. We are both receptive and sensitive to the subtle currents of interconnection with others. The water energy flows through everything connecting us at a deeper and more unconscious level (the subconscious underworld of Pluto helping with this deep dive beneath the surface).

The feminine aspect of the planet Mars brings a strong but gentle power and drive to this moon, more receptive than the aggressive masculine Mars energy we encounter in Aries.   And with Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration also guiding this moon cycle we bring the experience of death and rebirth into focus – the letting go to birth the new.

Scorpio is in the life area of the 8th house of reincarnation – dying or letting go in the process of being reborn into the new. The flow of the houses means that we are stepping from the 7th house of relationships (New Moon Libra House). Consider what transformation takes place when we are in relationships/partnerships to others – we must move into a new way of being and let go of an aspect of ourselves to become something more.

With the element of the water, we are in the realm of the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra) our raw instinctual feeling centre. Also, our centre of passion and sexuality and Scorpio is known for the intensity of the sexual energies that it brings so expect fireworks during this moon cycle. We also are in the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) as connect with the drive and power of the Mars guided energy.

From a Soul Plan Perspective this moon cycle is very connected to the energies of the Soul Plan 14(-5)  from the Scorpio energies, 1(-1) for the Pluto energy, 3(-3) Mars energy and 13-4 the Water aspect. Those with these soul plan energies in the chart (check out my soul plan reading options if you want to know your own energies) then you will find this moon cycle bringing up intense connections along with the power of deep personal and spiritual reflection (14-5), strong expressive communication between you others and powerful sexual energies (3-3),  the powers of intuitive wisdom  (13-4) and the abilities of transforming situations (1-1).


Self Enquiry/Inner Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Scorpio

This new moon can be a good time to explore what is changing/transforming – what has come to an end (dying) and what is beginning? This can be so many aspects from habits, health, relationships, work or other life aspects.  

It is time to ask those hard questions and face them head on and really connect with how they make you feel?:

  • What is dying and rebirthing in my life?
  • What needs transforming in my life?
  • Are there any addictions I need to let go of?

(maybe this moon will be good for me to let go of the Nutella addition!)

  • How does my passion and sexual energy show up?

This moon cycle is about focussing on making those changes, facing everything head on. Finding out what has to die (metaphorically) in order for change to take place and surrendering in the process of transformation to take place.

let it go

let it leave

let it happen


in this world

was promised or

belonged to you anyway

~all you own is yourself

By Rupi Kaur

Accepting the transience of life

It is easy to face the light of rebirth but the darkness of the death and letting go can leave many wanting to turn away but this moon cycle really pushes the connection to understand the flow and wheel of life that must keep turning. We see it in nature all the time, just look to the plants in Mother Nature – they grow from a seed into a plant, they bloom and create seed before fading away only to be rebirthed from the seed they produced to continue the cycle. Look at forests the new saplings need the old tree fall before they have the chance to come into there own.


Rituals for the New Moon in Scorpio

Planting bulbs

In the Northern Hemisphere this is the time to plant bulbs which are an excellent symbol of the transformation of this cycle - the old dying and retreating back into the bulb to be reborn in the spring.

Plant a bulb in a pot decorated with symbols of what you need to be transformed in your life.

Using biodegradable pots will further enhance the energies of transformation

You can water your bulbs with crystal infused water like we did in the Scorpio Moon Circle (Carnelian for 2nd Chakra Support and Citrine for 3rd Chakra)

When you have finished you can either further infuse it with the qualities by placing it on a mandala as we did in my monthly  moon circle

Light and Scorpio Moon Blessings

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