September is the month of the Full Harvest Moon (see the note below *). In the Northern Hemisphere this moon was the alarm call to the tribes to go out and gather natures harvest before the animals got there first or before the quality suffered so they would not survive storage of the leaner months of winter.
We see nature in an amazing state of change as we watch the world around us transform from wearing a cloak of green to a multi-coloured golden coat that falls to the ground.
*The full Moon that happens nearest to the autumnal equinox (September 22 or 23) becomes the “Harvest Moon” which often means it falls in September however, when September’s full Moon occurs early in the month, the full Moon of early October lands nearest to the autumnal equinox and therefore becomes harvest full moon.
Harvest Full Moon is a time for transformation, comfort and gratitude
We look to the Harvest Moon as a time that’s symbolic of change as it falls in the month of the Autumn Equinox and we officially enter into the season of Autumn so it became an alarm clock in the night sky to let the farmers know it was time to gather their crops.
With the autumn equinox, the energies start to fall back down into the earth and nature’s harvest needs to be gathered before they lose vitality so they will not survive the winter months. As those energies fall we see nature transform first in colour then as the energies continue to go deeper into the roots of the earth with the falling leaves indicate this can be a time to start looking at what you need to let go of.
This is a month of hearth and home. Culturally, the Harvest Moon was also a time that people spent preparing their environment and preparing themselves and their homes for the upcoming chilly months.
And a time for family, friends and community to gather in gratitude and celebrate the abundance of harvest.
Action Question for Full Harvest Moon
The Yang energies of the full moon are about taking action so during the full moon ask yourself
“What actions can I start taking to transform the space around me (and within yourself) to bring nurturing comfort in the coming months?”
“What am I grateful for at this full moon?”
Don’t allow this to remain just a thought process though, create an action plan for achieving it.
And don’t forget to ask the strong manifesting/creative energies of the full moon to help had extra power to the actions and bring them into reality
Rituals for Full Harvest Moon
Bring the energies of abundance and gratitude into your home by creating an altar full of gifts of the autumn months and the colours
Make some homemade bread/cakes or just have a good food fest with friends and family
Have an autumn space clearing – prepare your living and working spaces for nourishment and comfort.
Of course, take a walk in nature and be in awe at the transformation you see in the natural world as it changes from greens to the golden, warm earth hues. Make a headdress of leaves or just take a leaf shower!