The cards for January 2019 are from Work Your Light oracle cards. Breathe and centre yourself then allow yourself to be guided to the card that holds the message that will guide and help you during the coming month.

And the reveal...

Card 1 (Left) - Sisterhood of the Rose

"Beauty and devotion. Priestess. Mystic. Teacher"

The card indicates it is time to join both your calling and tribe to help create more beauty in the world that serves humanity.

Spend time to pause a really look deeply at everything around you and in your life, find the beauty in everything - especially take time in the natural world. Your vibrations will begin to raise the more you connect and commit to the path. The more you step into the calling that is within you, then you will start to create shifts that harmonise the world,.

This month make more time to spend time seeking opportunities to find all that is beautiful in your life and world, connect with those that are on the same calling as you and join together to share out into the world.

Card 2 (Middle) - Transformation

Things are changing at a cellular level. Deep Healing.

Not all changes are visible and on the surface,.Changes can happen out of sight but be happening all the same.. This month trust that things are happening but also take time to support it by taking time to look at what else is needed to support the deep healing and transformation that is taking place..

Look inwards to yourself, reflect on what changes you want, how they may be already beginning just by having the intention. But also this month consder what extra actions you can be taking to create deep healing shifts!

Card 3 (Right) - Boundaries

Where do you need to establish better boundaries?

Boundaries keeps coming up so often, maybe because when you become soul connected you feel that saying "No" is some how not spiritual and heart centred and therefore end up saying "yes" even when you want to say "no". This may be actually to yourself as well as to others.

Saying No and having clear boundaries is actually spiritual because you are not getting drained or resentful from always giving, you take time to replenish your own energies so when you do say yes to something it is because if feels right, you can do so with full committed energies and you can do it with love and authenticity.

This month check in with yourself before saying yes.

Light and Blessings for the month ahead

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