Spring Equinox Blessings for those in the North Hemisphere - it is time to celebrate the changing Earth Cycle and embrace the energies of balance and awakening that is brings. This is an important time to readdress the balance in our own lives too. The changes that we observe in nature can be a guide for the changes of focus that we need in our own lives and our own inner landscape . This is natural soul wisdom.

The Energies of the Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox is celebrated between 20 and 21 March and it is officially the first day of spring. Spring Equinox or Oestre is the time for Balance and Awakening. This is the point in the Earth Cycle where we night and day, light and dark are in equal balance...This balancing can be a timely reminder to reflect and bring balance to our inner and outer realms, for balancing of the female and masculine energies in and around us for this is a time of blending of the female and male in a balanced union (Ying and Yang).

This earth cycle brings in the energies of fertility and manifestation into our lives. Mother Nature provides a great guide to the energy changes that we need to be making. This is a time to celebrate fertility (creativity) at all levels - using the energies of this potent time to bring forth into the physical world all that has been beneath the surface - germinating in our inner realm is now ready to burst forth (manifest) into the outer world. So this is a great time to create and start new projects, to start take action to break through barriers and grow.

The Goddesses of Spring Equinox

This is the time to celebrate the fertile Goddess of Oestre - so Oestre is a perfect time for renewing relationships with others but also with ourselves - so start spreading some love!

This also the is a time to honour Gaia - Earth Mother as she reawakens and once again nature seems to come alive once more. With the warming sun and longer days we can throw of the shrouds of winter and journey forth with plans for growth and intentions just as we see reflected in nature.

Symbols of Spring

Eggs, spring flowers and seeds are potent symbol of the potential for new life and growth and this is the perfect time have these symbols in your physical space but below you will find some other ways to connect with the shifting in the energies as we move into spring.

Ways to celebrate the Spring Equinox 

  • Spend time outside - search for the awakening of nature or do a mindful walking to use all your senses to connect the Earth Energies
  • Create a spring Altar - with spring flowers preferably not cut but in pots and growing 
  • Spend time writing down (sowing the seeds of) intentions - that you would like to grow in the coming months of sun and warmth
  • Decorate Eggs - in lovely earth and pastel colours. And don't forget to place them on your altar
  • Plant Herbs - to represent the growth of your intentions as well as a food abundance
  • And there is the old tradition of having a Spring Clean - clearing the space for the new. Don't forget digital media (in this technology age we get cluttered in this area too)
  • You can Self Cleanse too - take a salt bath to cleanse your energy field of old stuck patterns which can gold you back.
  • This is an amazing creative time - so create in what ever way sings to your soul - paint, make a nature mandala, make music, sing...
  • Dance - celebrate with the dance of life. Reawaken the energies in your body with movement after the slow, slumber time of Winter

Please do share your ways of celebrating the spring equinox in the comments.

Spring Equinox Blessings -  it is time to Awaken, Grow and Blossom your Radiant Soul.

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